
  1. 针对高校经济管理类专业学生学习计算机编程语言课程存在的问题,结合教学实践与理论思考,阐述了VB程序设计课程教学方法改革的几点看法。

    Analyzing the problems of VB teaching in economy and management majors , and based on teaching practice and theory thinking , this article puts up with the corresponding solutions .

  2. 论内部审计在高校经济管理中的重要性

    Comment on the importance of internal audit of University management economy

  3. 我国高校经济效益审计体系构建初探

    A Study on Constructing University Benefit Audit System in Our Country

  4. 第四部分,建立高校经济责任审计的评价指标体系。

    Part four , establish indicating system of SEA in college .

  5. 对高校经济适用房户型设计的探讨

    Discussion on the design of universities ' economical and functional housing

  6. 高校经济效益审计系统分析初探

    Preliminary Analysis of the Economic Benefit Audit Systems of Universities

  7. 高校经济类资料室文献信息资源建设的思考

    On Construction of Reference Information Resources of Economic Data of Higher Education

  8. 高校经济责任制有效性的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Validity of Economy Responsibility System in Colleges and Universities

  9. 浅谈高校经济财务管理改革

    A brief discussion on the reform of University economical and financial management

  10. 高校经济道德教育探微

    An Exploration on Economic Moral Education at Colleges and Universities

  11. 高校经济类教育的布局层次与差异定位

    Research on Location Levels and Different Positioning in Economics Education of University

  12. 高校经济责任制下的财务管理理念创新

    The Innovation of Financial Administration Idea under University 's Economic Responsibility System

  13. 高校经济责任审计工作存在的问题浅析

    Analysis on Problems Existed in Economic Responsibility Audit Work in High Colleges

  14. 新形势下高校经济责任审计工作浅谈

    Universities ' Economical Responsibility Audit Work under New Situation

  15. 高校经济信息教育刍议

    Some Thoughts on the Economic Information Education in Colleges

  16. 高校经济贫困生抑郁心理研究

    Research on Depression of Poor - students in University

  17. 高校经济困难生助学工作的审视与完善

    A Research for the Helping Work of Impoverished College Students Who is Assisted

  18. 高校经济困难学生群体的思想状况及其对策研究

    Research on the Ideological State and Countermeasures of Economically Underprivileged Student Group in Universities

  19. 高校经济合同审计中应注意的问题

    Some Problems on Audit of College Economic Contracts

  20. 本篇论文选择对高校经济效益审计进行研究。

    This thesis will do some researches about high school 's economical effectiveness audit .

  21. 建立与完善高校经济困难学生档案的思考

    Thinking of Establishing and Perfecting the Archives of Students with Financial Difficulties in Colleges

  22. 构建和谐校园与高校经济困难学生工作

    Construction of a Harmonious Campus and Handling Issues for the Financially Difficult Students in University

  23. 高校经济管理类实验教学中心建设模式探索

    Research on Construction Model of Experimental Teaching Center of Economics and Management Specialties in University

  24. 边疆地区高校经济困难生心理健康及人格特点的调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Mental Heath and Personality Traits of Poverty-stricken Students in Border Areas

  25. 河南省高校经济困难学生体质与膳食结构的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Physical Quality and Fare Structure of Poverty University Students in Henan Province

  26. 地方高校经济管理类专业课双语教学实证研究

    Empirical Study on " Dual-language Teaching " of Economical Management Specialty in Regional Higher Education Institution

  27. 实行财务改革,提高高校经济效益

    To Implement Reforms in Financial Affairs , to Enhance Economic Benefits at Institutions of Higher Learning

  28. 高校经济类人才培养模式改革初探

    University Economics Talents Cultivation Model Reform

  29. 确立财务管理的中心地位增强高校经济实力

    The Establishment of the Central Status of Financial Management and Strengthening the Economical Capabilities of Universities

  30. 省属高校经济管理专业人才大众化教育模式研究

    Mode of development for personnel of economy and management in universities in Heilongjiang during popularized higher education