
  1. 第三部分论述了数字博物馆藏品信息的数字化存储,介绍了适应于博物馆的数据库的使用和常用存储结构以及数据备份方式。

    The third part of the paper is mainly about the data storage in digital museums . It introduces the databases which are fit in museums and normal storage structures .

  2. 数字博物馆的藏品是对外开放并且通过互联网可以实现资源共享。

    Its collections are open to and shared with the people through the Internet .

  3. 本文第一部分绪论中探讨了数字博物馆和藏品信息的相关概念,并对国内外数字博物馆发展和现状做了回顾总结。

    The first part is Introduction which is mainly about the concepts of digital museum and museum collection information . It also talks about the development and current status of digital museum at home and abroad .

  4. 首先,数字博物馆的存在形态是虚拟性的,它以数字藏品为基础,以数字平台为中心开展活动。

    Firstly , the digital museum is with a virtual mode of existence . It is based on the digital collections , and its activities are centered on the digital platform .