
  • 网络Digital Living;Digital life
  1. 以下是选自2025年的数字生活(DigitalLifein2025)概述的一组回答。更丰富的报告全文可在皮尤中心的网站上看到。

    Here is a selection of responses plucked from the overview of ' Digital Life in 2025 . ' You can see the entire report with more anecdotes on Pew 's site .

  2. WPP旗下市场调研公司TNS就此项数字生活研究,采访了来自46个国家的近5万人。

    TNS , the market researcher owned by WPP , interviewed almost 50,000 people in 46 countries for its Digital Life study .

  3. 与Facebook一样,推特也改变了人们的数字生活。

    Like Facebook , it has changed the way people live digitally . 9 .

  4. 不如试试减少纸张使用、转向数字生活吧,这是Martin的建议。

    Try nixing as much paper as possible and storing it digitally instead , Martin suggests .

  5. 实际上,Facebook有望成为我们的数字生活剪贴板,而有朝一日,它能最终成为我们的生活博物馆。

    Expect Facebook , in effect , to become our living digital scrapbook and even , eventually , perhaps our fossil .

  6. 结束对沃尔什的数字生活进行的“pwn”后,两名黑客和受害人坐了下来,简单向对方介绍了情况。

    After they were through " pwning " Mrs. Walsh , the two hackers sat down with their victim for a debriefing .

  7. 沃尔什居住在加利福尼亚州,可以从家中远眺马林县的塔玛珮斯山,而黑客在踏足她家的数日之前,就发现了她的Facebook账号——尽管它相对来说是保密的——获得了足以接管她的数字生活的信息。

    Days before hackers even set foot in Mrs. Walsh 's home overlooking Mount Tamalpais in Marin County , Calif. , they found her Facebook account and - though it was comparatively locked down - uncovered just enough to begin to take over her digital life .

  8. 谷歌之前已经开始与多家硬件商联合生产Chromebook,现在,它开始认真测试技术用户是否完全能在云端实现数字生活这个想法。

    With its line of Chromebooks made by various hardware partners , Google ( GOOG ) began testing in earnest the idea that tech users could live their digital lives almost entirely in the cloud .

  9. 微软希望凭借Spartan一举超越IE的弱点,开发出一款更适合多设备数字生活的浏览器,这是新任首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(SatyaNadella)战略的一部分,目的是打破微软对自己过去垄断个人计算机(PC)的依赖。

    With Spartan , Microsoft hopes to vault past IE 's weaknesses to produce a browser that is more suited to a digital life lived on multiple devices - part of the strategy of new chief executive Satya Nadella to break the company 's reliance on its old personal-computer monopoly .

  10. 数字生活小区管理信息系统的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Management Information System for Digital Living District

  11. 当今的数字生活离不开移动性。

    Today 's digital lives are all about mobility .

  12. 秋风起兮-音乐无限之数字生活

    The music in my digital life

  13. 数字生活我的生活

    Digital Life My Life

  14. 视窗维斯卡是数字生活方式蓬勃发展的核心力量。

    Windows , and now Vista , is the central element that allows the digital lifestyle to thrive .

  15. 我们创造了这种资产,在我们的数字生活中,留下了零碎的痕迹。

    We create this asset , and we leave this trail of digital crumbs behind us as we go throughout life .

  16. 它应该是一个能够根据环境线索,帮助消费者过上数字生活的数字伴侣。

    And , it should be a digital companion that picks up on environmental cues and helps me live my digital life .

  17. 苹果在本质上非常擅长打造具有创造力的新平台。它们因为易于使用,让数字生活变得合理,而广受消费者青睐。

    Apple is fundamentally great at creating innovative new platforms that consumers love because they 're easy to use and rationalize digital fragmentation .

  18. 同时,还将家用电器与安全系统等融合到一起,共同构成一个智能家居系统,可以使人们更大程度地走进数字生活

    Meanwhile , the household appliances are connected with fire control system and security system , and construct an intelligent home service system . Digital World

  19. 家庭网络的发展点燃了人们对于数字生活的无限畅想,IT消费的又一波发展高峰也正在悄然孕育。

    The development of the Home Networking lighted up people 's infinite imagination , another development 's peak on the IT consumptive now is gestating quietly .

  20. 艰巨的任务来了:我们要创造新的法典去规范数字生活,不让它扰乱社会秩序,同时还要保护好它,使它能够繁荣地发展下去。

    Now comes the hard part : creating a new body of laws to regulate it , to keep the peace , and to ensure its prosperity .

  21. 但是,在树林深处还有一个令人满意的孤寂的池子。被数字生活搞得神经紧张的人可以坐在水池旁,忘掉自己系统中的二进制数字。

    But there is a satisfactorily lonely pool further into the woods , beside which the digital jitterbug can sit and purge the ones and zeros from his system .

  22. 突然间,我们得开始经营第二个自我,你必须在数字生活中,以类似模拟你人生的方式展现自我。

    And suddenly we have to start to maintain our second self . You have to present yourself in digital life in a similar way that you would in your analog life .

  23. 有几家公司正在尝试让我们完全从屏幕前解脱出来,它们利用的不过是我们与生俱来的输入设备手和手指的自然活动从而发明出控制我们的数字生活的方法。

    Several companies are trying to free us from the screen altogether , creating ways to control our digital lives by using little more than the input devices we were born with & the natural gestures of our hands and fingers .

  24. 有几家公司正在尝试让我们完全从屏幕前解脱出来,它们利用的不过是我们与生俱来的“输入设备”——手和手指的自然活动——从而发明出控制我们的数字生活的方法。

    Several companies are trying to free us from the screen altogether , creating ways to control our digital lives by using little more than the " input devices " we were born with - the natural gestures of our hands and fingers .

  25. IPTV改变了传统电视单一被动的单向节目接受,它能使用户体验到集互联网内容、网络游戏、电视节目以及多种在线信息咨询在内的更为丰富多彩的双向互动数字娱乐生活。

    IPTV has changed the traditional single passive one-way television programs accept it , which enables users to experience to set Internet content , online games , the television program as well as many kinds on-line information consultation more richly colorful bidirectional interactive digit entertainment life .

  26. 构筑平移盈利模式,创新数字电视生活

    Build Revenue Model for Entire-Transformation , Create New Digital Cable Life

  27. 数字娱乐生活方式进一步预见流动性越大,他们奉献一个新的团队专注于移动娱乐。

    Further foreseeing the digital entertainment lifestyle become more mobile , they dedicate a new team to focus on Mobile Entertainment .

  28. 也许从统计数字和生活中的观察,本地的华文使用人口的确在增加之中,程度似乎不是问题。

    From statistics and daily observation , it is perhaps true that more people are using the Chinese language . And the standard also does not seem to be an issue .

  29. 现在,由于移动设备存取名字十分方便、加上无处不在的电子邮件地址及其它源自互联网的身份标识,数字在生活中正变得越来越少见。

    Today , numbers are on the wane thanks to the ease with which mobiles can store and retrieve names and the ubiquity of email addresses and other internet-based identity tags , such as Skype names .

  30. 这项报告表明,2014年票房前100位的电影中,有台词或名字的角色里,只有4.9%是“西班牙/拉丁裔”。这项报告指出,这么低的数字与生活中的人口调查数据完全相悖。

    The report found that 4.9 percent of all speaking or named characters in the 100 top-grossing movies of 2014 were " Hispanic / Latino . " As the report points out , this low number is at odds with off-screen demographics : Latinos were 17.1 percent of the population in 2013 .