
  • 网络carrier-grade;carrier grade
  1. 电信级的IP网络需面向客户提供快速响应能力、综合业务支撑能力和高效业务保障能力,而传统的IP网络并不能满足电信级的需求。

    Carrier-grade IP networks need to provide rapid response capability for customers , comprehensive business support capabilities and efficient operational support capacity , whereas the traditional IP network can not meet the carrier class requirements .

  2. 为了实现电信级的、高可靠的以太网,需要以太网支持运行、管理维护(OAM)功能。

    To implement a carrier-grade and high reliability Ethernet network , OAM function should be supported by the Ethernet .

  3. 电信级IP承载网规划方法研究

    Research on Planning Method for Carrier - Class IP Network

  4. 电信级IP网络优化策略及建议

    Telecom-level IP Network Optimization Strategies and Suggestions

  5. 电信级IP电话支持中心解决方案

    Carrier Class IP Telephony Support Center Solution

  6. 电信级IPQOS的研究

    The Research of Carrier - class IP QoS

  7. 电信级IP电话网络

    Telecommunication level IP Telephony Network

  8. 面向NGN的电信级IP城域网建设思路探讨

    Discussion of the Way to Construct the Carrier-Level IP MAN Facing NGN

  9. 电信级以太网是目前用于支持下一代IP移动网络移动回程的基础架构。

    Carrier Ethernet is the infrastructure being used to support mobile backhaul for next-generation , IP-based mobile networks .

  10. 电信级企业VPN网络的构建方案

    Solution of Constructing Telecom-Class Enterprise Virtual Private Network

  11. PBT(ProviderBackboneTransport)技术是众多电信级以太网技术中的一个强有力的竞争技术。

    One of the rival technology of Carrier Ethernet technology is PBT ( Provider Backbone Transport ) .

  12. 电信级路由器的MPLS技术原理及性能测试

    Study on Principle and Performance Testing of MPLS Based on High Level Router

  13. 系统前台展现设计使用浏览器WEB页面展现方式实现电信级企业经营分析系统前台的瘦客户端设计。

    The design of the WEB pages as the client . We use the web pages displayed in web browser as the thin client of the telecom BASS systems .

  14. IP网管系统是一个电信级管理系统,只有通过完整有效的测试,才能保证系统的高可用性和高可靠性。

    The IP network management system is a telecom enterprise application , the complete and effective testing will improve its high usability and dependability effectively .

  15. 该系统从当前基于Web界面的应用系统设计共性出发,在系统架构,电信级并发处理,内容分发和安全四个方面进行了一定的研究。

    This paper focused on four aspects : system construction , telecommunication level concurrent processing , content distribution and the safety based on general character of the Web contact surface application system design .

  16. 而以KT为代表的隔离IP承载网建设派,则坚持使用于Internet物理隔离的IP承载网来承载电信级数据业务。

    But isolated IP bearer network construction advocators insist that IP bearer networks physically isolated from the Internet should be used to carry carrier-grade data service .

  17. 基于电信级以太网的EPONOLT汇聚

    EPON OLT Aggregation Based on Carrier Ethernet

  18. 另外,针对电信级语音网络应具备的业务监管、合法监听等问题,设计了目前IP语音网络可以采用的业务监测与合法监听方案。

    And then , aiming at service supervises and monitor within the law which telecom-level service should be provided with , design the VoIP solution applied service supervises and lawful intercept .

  19. 本文设计并实现了一个针对辽宁网通公司的电信级业务支撑平台,系统采用Web浏览器为终端,采用B/S多层构架。

    This item designed and realizes the platform for Liaoning Networks Limited Company that supports the telecommunication level service , The system uses the Web browser as the terminal and the B / S multilayer skeleton .

  20. 实施方案包括技术设计原则,信息发布方式及实现方法。KVM在电信级机房中的应用

    The draft of design is sketched . Application of KVM in Telegraphic Device Room

  21. PTN支持下的电信级以太网在电力系统通信的应用前景

    Application Expectation of Carrier Ethernet Supported by PTN in Power System Communication

  22. KVM在电信级机房中的应用

    Application of KVM in Telegraphic Device Room

  23. 通过GK的级连技术有效地解决了实际电信级运营中用户扩容的疑难问题,收到良好的效果。

    It resolved the problem of huge customers in real management and got good effect .

  24. 但是,有很多企业客户并不具备这种网络条件,电信级GPRS行业应用综合业务平台可以为网络条件不完善的企业客户提供GPRS行业应用接入服务。

    However , many enterprises do not have such equipments . The telecom platform for enterprise GPRS application which is provided by operator could solve the problem .

  25. 随着IP承载网的建成和相关软交换业务的入网,表明联通此次设计和架构的网络已经具备了电信级IP承载网的要求。

    IP bearer network this year with the completion of the exchange and related soft business network , showed that the design and structure of the network already has a carrier-class IP bearer network requirements .

  26. 简单的讲,PTN可以理解为改进的数据分组技术与电信级OAM机制的结合体。

    Tell simply , PTN is the combination of improved data packet technology and carrier-class OAM technique .

  27. 在网络发展和业务应用需求的双重驱动下,电信级IPQOS作为实现多业务网络的关键技术得到了越来越多的关注。

    With the development of IP network and the increase of service requirements , the carrier-class IP QoS , which is seen as the key technology of multi-service network , gets more and more focus .

  28. 本文介绍了基于传统SCN和网关接入的电信级IP电话业务和通信流程,以及QoS保证技术。

    This paper discusses the telecommunication level IP telephony service , the communication flow based on the access of the traditional SCN and the gateway and the ensured technology of QoS .

  29. 作为基于标准的模块化网络平台核心的电信级Linux(CarrierGradeLinux,CGL)是由开源组织OSDL(OpenSourceDevelopmentLab)发起的、专门针对电信级服务的Linux。

    As the core of standard-based modularized network platform , CGL ( Carrier Grade Linux ), which focuses on telecom services , is initialized by open source organization OSDL ( Open Source Development Lab ) .

  30. RPR技术使得运营商在城域网内以低成本提供电信级的服务成为可能,在提供类似SDH级网络可靠性的同时降低了传送费用。

    The technology of RPR makes operators provide service of telecommunication level in the low cost which has SDH network reliability and reduces fees for transport .