
  1. 北京湘鄂情集团(BeijingXiangeqingGroup)在决定放弃豪华餐厅业务、进军云计算行业后,更名为中科云网(CloudLiveTechnologyGroup)。

    Cloud Live Technology Group changed its name from Beijing Xiangeqing Group after it decided to shift out of luxury restaurants and into cloud computing .

  2. 据猎云网报道,包括腾讯控股有限公司、奇虎360、联想集团、京东和美图这些中国的互联网公司,都参与了招募区块链人才的竞赛当中。

    Chinese internet companies Tencent Holdings Ltd , Qihoo 360 , Lenovo Group , JD.com and Meitu Inc are involved in the race to recruit blockchain talents , lieyunwang.com reported .

  3. 猎云网的一份报告指出,今年市场对区块链人才的需求远大于这种专业人才的供应量。

    Blockchain talents , who make an industry average of 25000 yuan a month , are greatly needed this year as the demand for such professionals far exceeds the supply , according to a report by lieyunwang.com .