
  • 网络access rate;CAR;HDSL ADSL VDSL
  1. 近几年,随着Internet的迅猛发展,用户对接入速率的要求越来越高,围绕高速接入技术的争论也十分激烈。

    From the host : With the rapid progress of Internet in recent years , users require increasingly high access rate and there is hot debate about high-speed access technologies .

  2. 随着移动Internet的迅速崛起,以宽带多媒体业务为代表的数据业务逐渐成为主流业务,无线接入速率需求呈爆炸式增长,可用频谱资源日益紧张。

    With the rapid rise of mobile Internet , the data services represented by broadband multimedia services have gradually become the mainstream . The demand for wireless access rate has risen sharply . The resources of available spectrums are increasingly strained .

  3. 提出了可变传输速率的宽带CDMA扩频调制方法、非平衡功率控制算法以及自适应接入速率的无线接入方法。

    The researches are presented , which include W CDMA modulation scheme of variable transmission rate , unbalance power control algorithm and wireless access method of variable access rate .

  4. 研究显示,采用OFDMA技术可有效提高无线通信系统的接入速率,有效对抗窄带干扰和由多径传播引起的符号间干扰,提高系统传输信息的容量。

    Researches show that , OFDMA technology can effectively improve the access rate of wireless communication system . OFDMA system can reduces narrowband interference and symbols interference caused by multipath spread effectively .

  5. 为了研究AMR的链路适配,提出了针对3G系统多业务、多接入速率特征的不等功率分配策略,并在此基础上分析了AMR的不同编码模式对小区的接入容量的影响。

    To investigate the link adaptation of AMR , this paper proposes an unequal power assignment strategy for 3G system , and analyzes the influence of AMR modes to the admission capacity of the cells .

  6. 为了满足更高速率的数据传输,WCDMA系统引入HSPA演进技术,大大提高了用户接入速率和系统容量。

    In order to reach higher data rate , several solutions for HSPA Evolution have been introduced into the WCDMA system , which greatly improve the user data rate and system capacity .

  7. 截至2007年末,四平市宽带用户数达到10.7万户,其中2M及2M以上接入速率用户占比达到69.7%。

    By the end of 2007 , the number of broadband users in Siping City has reached 10.7 million , of which users of access rate more than 2M , and 2M take up 69.7 % .

  8. 在当今Internet数据业务不断升温中,在固定接入速率(HDSL,ADSL,VDSL)不断提升的背景下,第三代移动通信发展的速度非常迅速。

    Nowadays , data traffic of Internet is continually developing and the fixed access rate ( HDSL , ADSL , VDSL ) are continually upgrading . The development of the third generation mobile communications system ( 3G ) is very rapidly .

  9. 在研究红外信道特性的基础上,给出了一种用于提高红外无线互联网接入速率的HHH(1,13)码的编解码方案。

    At last , it gives out a coding and decoding scheme of HHH ( 1,13 ) code , which can advance the connection speed of infrared wireless internet .

  10. 但是,随着高清电影、大型互动游戏、交互式多媒体等业务的兴起,人们对宽带接入速率和质量的要求越来越高。

    However , with the rapid growing service like high definition ( HD ) film , Interactive game and multimedia service , etc. we need a Internet with faster speed and much more quality guaranteed .

  11. 近年来,无线局域网发展的势头越来越猛,它接入速率高,组网灵活,在传输移动数据方面尤其具有得天独厚的优势。

    Recently , wireless LANs are developing more and more rapidly , which have a large number of connections and are constructed agilely . It has an advantaged superiority in the transport and moving of data .

  12. 对于多进多出系统的研究可以改变目前人们对无线接入速率低的问题,因此,对多进多出系统的研究逐渐成为了无线网络研究的热点。

    Research of MIMO system can change the current rate of people on the problem of low access . Therefore , the multiple input and multiple output system has become a research hotspot in wireless networks .

  13. 提出了一种改进的睡眠模式的控制算法,该算法将根据接入速率的变化动态的调整睡眠模式的睡眠周期。

    Through the simulation we can see the performance of this selection algorithm . 3 . This paper proposes an improved sleep mode control algorithm , which adjusts adaptively the sleep mode interval according to the traffic rate .

  14. 支持更高接入速率的高级网络组织结构和满足任何时间任何地点接入的复杂网络拓扑结构也会增加潜在攻击的数量和强度。

    The advanced network architecture , which supporting high access rating , and the complicated network framework , which guaranteeing users to access the network at any time in any place , both will increase the amount and the intensity of attack .

  15. 随着人们对接入网传输速率和网络质量要求的不断提高,基于PON结构的光接入技术得到了飞速的发展。

    As the increasing requirements of the bandwidth and quality of the access network from enterprises and households , data rates of broadband access network will be required . The optical access technology based on the structure of PON has been rapid development .

  16. 上述目标被建模为接入控制,速率分配以及资源分配这三个子问题。

    The objectives are formulated as an admission control problem , a rate allocation problem and a resource allocation problem .

  17. 综合接入设备数据子速率接口板的应用

    Application of the data sub-rate multiplexer in integrated access equipment

  18. 论文在带宽预测算法的基础上提出了相应的呼叫接入控制算法和速率控制算法,并验证了所提算法的性能。

    With the proposed prediction method , the corresponding call admission control algorithm and rate control algorithm are also presented .

  19. 亚州欧州接入家庭的传输速率在25-100兆比特每秒(不够快流高清晰度电视)。

    Asian and European customers get home connections of25 to100 megabits per second ( fast enough to stream high-definition video ) .

  20. 仿真结果显示,做为一种分布式随机接入技术,无速率编码多接入可以取得极佳的系统吞吐率性能。

    Simulation results show that , as a kind of distributed random access technology , C-RMA achieves good performance of the system throughput .

  21. 随着对无源光网络(PON)研究的深入,拥有巨大带宽资源的光纤被应用于接入网中,可以提供上吉比特的接入速率。

    On one hand , with the fast developing of passive optical network ( PON ), which can provide huge bandwidth resource , fiber has been applied to access networks , providing Gigabit access bandwidth .

  22. 作为一种新型的宽带无线接入技术,本地多点分配业务(LMDS)以其丰富的业务类型、较高的接入速率和可靠性以及广阔的商用前景将成为未来几年内通信领域重点发展的技术之一。

    As a new broadband wireless access technology , LMDS may become one of key technologies in area of telecommunication .