
  • 网络grounding conductor;ground conductor;earthing conductor;Current Return Path
  1. 把汽轮机巨大的底座作为现场良好的接地导体,对于与DCS相连的其它的现场设备也有很好的参考价值。

    The locale grounding conductor is the huge pedestal of the turbine . This method also has reference value for other locale equipments in DCS .

  2. 用EMTP建立了一实际110KVGIS一次系统的计算模型,并对特快速暂态过电压和接地导体上的暂态电流进行了仿真计算。

    The EMTP is used to set up the computation model of the primary circuit of an 110 kV GIS , the very fast transient overvoltage and transient currents ( on the grounding conductor ) are calculated .

  3. 通过无穷大接地导体平面上矩形背腔式微带天线的RCS计算,验证了该方法的正确性。在此基础上,计算了两组有限尺寸金属载体上背腔式微带天线的RCS曲线。

    The RCS 's of a rectangular cavity backed aperture in an infinite ground plane and two cavity backed microstrip antennas mounted respectively on a finite metal object are calculated and analyzed .

  4. 所以保护接地导体是不用测试的。

    PROTECTIVE EARTHING CONDUCTORS are considered to comply without test .

  5. 不接地导体平面电象法研究

    Ungrounded conducting Plane by the method of images

  6. 均匀带电线与接地导体薄圆筒内的电势

    Earthing Measurement The electric potential of a line charge inside a thin cylindrical conductor

  7. 关于接地导体球问题的研究

    A Study of a Spherical Earthing Conductor Problem

  8. 变压器低压侧中性点接地导体截面的选择

    Selection of the Grounding Conductor Cross Section of Neutral Point at Transformer Low-voltage Side

  9. 并根据电偶极子在接地导体球壳内的位置分三种情况进行了分析、计算和讨论。

    Three situations are analyzed , calculated and discussed according to the electric dipole 's positions in the sphere .

  10. 带电圆柱位于接地导体平面附近静电场描述

    Description of Static Electricity Field upon Condition that a Charged Cylinder Conductor is Nearby the Conductor Plank Interfacing with Earth

  11. 将鹤管等效为储罐对称轴上的接地导体,推导了静电场边值问题的解析解。

    Assimilating the filling pipe to a grounded conductor at the axis of the vessel , the electrostatic boundary problem is solved analytically .

  12. 用电象法给出接地导体平面上半空间内存在带电导体球时静电场的解。

    The method of images gives a solution to a electrostatic system formed by the grounded conducting plain and the charged conducting spheres .

  13. 接地导体球附近任意电四极子的电象高压直流输电共用接地极电气接线研究

    The Image Charges of a Arbitrary Quadrapole Neara Grounded Conducting Sphere ; Research on the Electric Line of Common Grounding Electrode in ultra High Voltage Transmission System

  14. 基于雷电走向与场强最大方向一致原理的接地导体雷击范围的计算

    The Calculation for the Range of Lightning Strike on the Grounded conductor Based on the Principle about Consistence Between the Directions of Lightning Movement and Maximum Field Intensity

  15. 本文研究的带电导体圆柱位于接地导体平面附近时的静电场和角域场内的静电场就属于这种情形。

    The static electricity field for two parallel cylinders with eccentric axes or separated , angular space , along with solution of the charged conductor of cylinder all can be explained by this kind of situation .

  16. 本文利用镜象法讨论了在接地导体球壳附近有点电荷时,空间的电场分布和球壳表面上感应电荷的分布。

    Using the method of images , we discussed the distribution of the induced charges on the surface of the earthed-conducting sphere shell and the distribution of electric field in the space when a point charge is present near the conducting sphere shell .

  17. 文中考虑了土壤电离的非线性特征,将土壤电离的作用等效为接地导体尺寸的增加,在计算过程中根据土壤电离情况修正接地导体的电路参数,动态地求解电路响应。

    The nonlinear characteristic of soil ionization is taken into account and the influence of soil ionization is equivalent to the dimension increase of grounding electrodes . The grounding parameters are amended according to the situation of soil ionization and the transient grounding responses are solved dynamically .

  18. 无限长直线电荷与接地圆柱导体系统电势分布的计算

    Calculation and Discussion of the Potential of a System for Infinitely Long Line Charge and Cylindrical Conductor Functional

  19. 本文用混合法&MM(矩量法)和GTD(几何绕射理论)相结合,分析位于有限接地平面或导体台阶上的同轴型底部加载天线。

    A coaxial base - loaded antenna on finite ground and conductive step is analysed by hybrid method of MM / GTD .

  20. 线电荷与接地椭圆柱形导体系统的电势

    The electric potential of a line charge and a cylindroid conductor system

  21. 将建筑物电气装置内外露的可导电部分、电气装置外的可导电部分、人工或自然接地体用导体连接起来,以达到减少电位差成为等电位联结。

    Connect the exposed conductive part of the electric device , the conductive part out of the electrical device , and the manual or natural earthing with conduc - tor to reduce the opportunity that the potential difference becomes potential connection .