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  1. 个案跟踪报告包括接案、案主背景、工作计划、跟踪记录、结案、评估等内容。

    Case tracking report including receive case , director background , work plan , tracking records , the case , evaluation , etc.

  2. 由于口译服务的特性与目的为解决特定问题,因此口译员通常采取较被动的方式管理如接案量等之口译相关业务。

    Due to the inherent nature of interpretation as a problem-solving service , interpreters usually rely on passive strategies to obtain interpretation assignments .

  3. 学校个案工作的介入过程可以分为以下几个阶段:接案与建立关系、收集资料与问题评估、制定目标和工作计划、开展服务、结案与评估。

    School casework intervention process can be divided into the following stages : accept the case and build relationships , collect data and assess problems , set goals and work plan to carry out the service , finish the case and evaluate .

  4. 通用过程模式强调整个服务过程是社会工作者和服务对象共同努力一起来解决问题的过程,概括来说分为:接案、预估、计划、介入、评估、结案和跟进几个阶段。

    The general process model emphasizes the entire service process that social workers and service objects joint efforts together to the problem-solving process , generally it is divided into : taking the case , estimate , planning , intervention , evaluation , closing and follow-up of several stages .