
yī mào ɡōu
  • coat hook
  1. 接着,他清了清嗓子,在黑板上画了一个衣帽钩,而这个钩子恰好就在一枚突出的铁钉旁边。

    Then , clearing his throat , he drew a coathook right near one of the protruding nails .

  2. 当我们把各自的金属饭盒放到衣帽钩上方的架子上去的时候,衣帽钩上几乎已经空了。

    We put our metal lunch boxes on the shelf above the coat hooks , which were mostly empty .

  3. 这些机器可以创建许多事情,包括从衣帽钩到海上钻井平台扩展坞的一切事情。

    These machines can build any number of things , including everything from coat hooks to ipod docking stations .

  4. 是的,这正是我看到的东西,尽管它本应当是衣帽钩,冰锥,或者半截铅笔等等这类更容易让人接受的东西。

    Yeah , that 's what I think I saw , although it could 've just as easily been a coat hanger or an ice pick or a broken pencil .

  5. 当那堂课结束后,老师拿起大衣和帽子,擦掉那个衣帽钩,如往常一样从小门离去。可这一次不同的是,整个班的学生都跟随在他后面,排队走过黑板去看看老师刚才究竟是如何做的!

    When class was over , he took his coat and hat , erased the coathook , and left through the small door -- and was followed by the entire class , lining up to go past the blackboard to see how he 'd done it .