
  1. 外着中古店淘来的二手衣服搭配LV最新款的纸袋。

    Outside the middle of second-hand clothes shop to match the latest LV bag .

  2. 如果要计划去烤烧烤,通常是牛仔裤或卡其裤与polo衫或带海军服领子衣服搭配。

    If an afternoon barbecue is the venue , guys will be good with either jeans or khakis with a polo or crew neck tee .

  3. 你能根据我今天穿的衣服搭配吗?

    Can you match it to what I am wearing today ?

  4. 把鞋和衣服搭配着穿一下看是否协调。

    Put the shoes against the dress to see if they match .

  5. 她买了一条领带和他的一套衣服搭配。

    She bought a tie to go with his suit .

  6. 你们有和这衣服搭配的鞋子吗?

    Do you have shoes go with the dress ?

  7. 只要能和我的衣服搭配,就没有问题。

    Yeah , as long as it goes with my outfit , why not ?

  8. 它可以和任何衣服搭配:牛仔裤、小礼裙、裤子或裙子。

    Pair it with anything : jeans , little dresses , trousers , skirts .

  9. 一种可以单独购买而和其它衣服搭配穿的衣服。

    A garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments .

  10. 与丝质上衣、西装等任何衣服搭配,它们会让你看起来很百变。

    Team with silk tops , blazers , anything that makes you look as if you haven 't forgotten to get changed .

  11. 因为艳丽的颜色与素净的衣服搭配起来会显得太扎眼,弄不好就会让你的一身打扮看起来很卡通。

    They 'll create too much of a contrast with the understated pieces , and you risk appearing cartoonish with the whole mod look .

  12. 木山说这不仅是为了提升日本品牌的知名度,也是为了宣扬日本时尚的氛围,对衣服搭配随心所欲的一种自由自在的态度。

    It was to promote the " atmosphere " of fashion in Japan , a what-the-heck attitude to mixing items and styles of clothing .

  13. Leroux建议要注意衣服颜色搭配和衣服上的印花看起来简单不繁琐。

    Keep color combinations and graphic prints simple and un-busy , Leroux suggested .

  14. 你的面部表情和肢体语言都应该与衣服款式搭配。

    Both your facial expression and body language should match the style of clothing .

  15. 她的手袋和她的衣服很搭配。

    Her handbag goes with her clothes .

  16. Zaino认为,这种衣服适合搭配时髦的高跟鞋和珍珠首饰,在寒冷的天气打造精致的整体造型。

    Zaino suggested pairing it with chic heels and pearls for a sophisticated cold-weather ensemble .

  17. 我希望我的项链和衣服比较搭配,希望我看起来就像我自我感觉的那样好。

    I hope my necklace goes with my dress and they both make me look as good as I feel .

  18. 即将过渡到一个美好的季节,添加一些颜色和款式搭配,充分利用冬季肥大的外套和雪地靴里面的衣服来搭配。

    As you transition into nicer weather , sneak some color and style out from underneath the puffy coats and snow boots .

  19. 长的黑白相间的上衣看上去像休闲款上衣一样酷,但它也可以与半正式的衣服一起搭配。

    That long , black and white top looks so cool as a casual top , but it could also be pulled together as a semi-formal one .

  20. 去年,在观看皇家阅兵庆典空中分列表演时,为避免衣服不搭配,凯特王妃给夏洛特公主穿了一件粉色小花裙,与她所穿戴的亚历山大-麦昆品牌褶边溜冰裙和帽子完美相称。

    During last year 's Trooping the Colour flypast , Kate ensured there was no risk of an outfit clash as she dressed Charlotte in a pink number that perfectly matched her Alexander McQueen pleated skater dress and hat .

  21. 大多数人都喜欢白色的衣服,好搭配穿起来又靓丽,但是在洗涤的时候常令很多人都犯愁。

    Most people are like the white clothes , good collocation wear up and beautiful , but in washing time often makes many people worry .

  22. 何况我都有一堆鞋了。而且那双是红的,看起来太浪荡了,另外跟我的衣服都不搭配…走吧,小疯婆子。

    and actually they 're red , which is quite tarty , and they don 't necessarily go with any of my outfits ... Come on , you crazy bitch !

  23. 时尚总监兼设计师建议下身穿一条比较舒适的牛仔裤,上衣搭配一件比较简单地衣服,再搭配一双舒适的裸色或黑色的高跟鞋进行补充。

    Wear that pair of comfy jeans and a simple top , suggested Anthony Leroux , fashion director and stylist 。 Pair with comfortable nude or black heels that complement the ensemble .

  24. 你帮他做早饭,帮他管理社交安排表,提醒他吃药,每天早上把他上班要穿的衣服找出来搭配好。

    You make his breakfast in the morning , manage his social calendar , remind him to take his medication and lay out his clothes for work each morning ( no white socks with slacks !) .

  25. 而且我有三件衣服可以和它搭配

    and I 've got , like , 3 outfits I can coordinate it with , so

  26. 我会帮她买衣服,但是怎么搭配还是她自己来决定。

    Obviously , I buy her clothes , but she is the one who puts her outfits together .

  27. 她是个时尚的爱好者,经常更换不同风格的衣服,佩戴精心搭配的配饰。

    She is a fashion lover who always wear different styles of clothes with meticulously jewels and necklace and earrings .

  28. 她喜欢用旧衣服做不同的搭配。为什么不用它来搭配你的蓝裙子?

    She likes to ring the changes on her used clothes . Why don 't you wear that with your skirt ?

  29. 这些都是掩藏在胶囊衣橱之后的想法&这里面是少量必备衣服、可以混合搭配,一天到晚都可以穿,款式也不会太过时。

    These are the same ideas behind having a capsule wardrobe - a collection of a few essential pieces that can be mixed and matched , worn from day to night and updated with key items .

  30. 这些都是掩藏在“胶囊衣橱”之后的想法——这里面是少量必备衣服、可以混合搭配,一天到晚都可以穿,款式也不会太过时。

    These are the same ideas behind having a " capsule wardrobe " - a collection of a few essential pieces that can be mixed and matched , worn from day to night and updated with key items .