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  1. 社区坐落于郁郁葱葱的青山脚下,与风平浪静的湖蓝色大海中熠熠闪光的岛屿衔接。

    Located at the foothills of the green hills , the village center can be likened as a shimmering island of motion in a tranquil sea of blues and greens .

  2. 此行的第一站是古城丽江,镜谭湖天蓝色的湖水至今令我难忘。

    Our first stop was Jingtan Lake in Lijiang , which has beautiful blue waters .

  3. 这个无比美丽的湖,天蓝色的湖水简直让我无法呼吸;

    My breath was literally taken away by the unsurpassed beauty with the sky blue waters of the Lake ;

  4. 天池湖的水是蓝色的,非常深,而且很温暖。

    The Tian Chi lake 's water was warm , and the water is blue and deep .

  5. 兰格凝视着环礁湖方向上深蓝色的大海,在她的职业生涯早期,她曾做实验研究海豚是否更愿意跟处于正念状态的人一起游泳。

    Langer peered out over the deep blue sea , in the direction of a lagoon , where early in her career she conducted experiments on whether dolphins were more likely to want to swim with mindful people .