
  • 网络Huxi;Hoseo;Kosai;Husi
  1. 他是湖西大学副校长,湖西投资控股集团投资总监、投委会主席。

    Chung is Vice President of Hoseo University and Chief Executive of Hoseo Venture Business incubation center .

  2. 高邮湖西防汛公路施工技术探讨

    Construction Technology of Flood Prevention Road in the West of Gaoyou Lake

  3. 杭州西湖湖西景区绿地货币化生态效益评价

    Monetized Ecological Benefit Evaluation of the West-marching of the West Lake in Hangzhou

  4. 杭州西湖湖西景区的湿地景观设计

    The Wetland Landscape Design for the West Part of the West Lake in Hangzhou

  5. 高邮湖西防汛公路施工质量检验评定浅析

    Brief Analysis of Examination and Evaluation of Construction Quality of Flood Control Highway to West of Gaoyou Lake

  6. 水生、湿生植物在湖西综合保护工程中的应用

    The Application of Hydrophytes and Phreatophytes in the Comprehensive Protection Project on the West Area of the West Lake

  7. 嘉祥县地处湖西平原,是一个洪、涝、旱、碱并存的区域。

    Jiaxiang County is located in the kosei Plains . A flood , floods , drought , alkali coexistence region .

  8. 观赏竹在西湖湖西环境综合保护工程中的应用研究

    A Study on the Use of Ornamental Bamboos in the Project of Integrated Environmental Protection of the West of West Lake

  9. 恢复自然环境重现历史遗存&杭州湖西综合保护工程中的三台梦迹

    Restore the Natural Environment and Make the Historical Legacy Reappear & Santaimengji Spot in the Integrative Conservation Project of Hangzhou West Lake

  10. 河网面源污染计算方法及太湖湖西入湖河道污染物总量控制研究

    The Calculating Methods of Nonpoint Contaminate Sources of the Network Waterways and the Study on the Total Controling of the Contaminate in the West of Taihu

  11. 1991年太湖流域发生了自1954年以来最严重的洪涝,湖西及流域北部的降雨强度以及太湖最高水位均高于1954年,给苏锡常地区带来了严重的损失。

    In 1991 , the heaviest flood occured in Taihu basin since 1954 . The rainfall intensity in the northern part and water level in Taihu Lake were both higher than those in 1954 , brought about severe damages to the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou regions .