
  1. 我就是无法迫使自己承认心里知道的事实。

    I just couldn 't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true .

  2. KING:州长,是否有一些我们不知道的事实可以避免该事件呢?

    KING : Governor , have a lot of things been prevented that we don 't know about ?

  3. CNN记者JoshLevs为我们带来了更多图片,可能还有一些我们所不知道的事实。

    CNN 's Josh Levs brings us more images and probably some pretty good facts that we didn 't know . Yeah .

  4. 这是你必须清楚知道的事实。

    This is the fact that you must know clearly .

  5. 这是我所知道的事实。

    There are all the facts I know .

  6. 证人必须宣誓证明他所知道的事实。

    A witness must depose to such facts as are within his own knowledge .

  7. 如今,美国大学在顶尖学府的排行中占据多数,这是许多人都知道的事实。

    Many people now understand that US universities dominate the top echelons of higher education .

  8. 这是一个至今无人知道的事实。

    This is a fact hitherto unknown .

  9. 发现(以前不知道的事实)她发现他们已经逃跑了。

    She discovered that they 'd escaped .

  10. 他很用功,这是大家都知道的事实。

    He studys hard , which is a fact that know to all of us .

  11. 这是每个人都知道的事实。

    The fact is known to everybody .

  12. 所谓重要事实是指保险人在决定是否承保时应当知道的事实。

    A material fact is a fact that an insurer should know when deciding whether to insure .

  13. 瓦妮莎被迫接受一个全世界都知道的事实&她的丈夫欺骗了他。

    Vanessa was forced to have the entire world know that her husband had cheated on her .

  14. 与核子的半径,是从经典力学中得到的,但我们从量子力学模型,知道的事实是。

    That 's a deterministic way of doing things , that 's what you get from classical mechanics .

  15. 我们所知道的事实是,你们的办公设备是市场上最上等的。

    We are aware of the fact that your office uipment is among the best on the market .

  16. 不去想这些我一度知道的事实-,也不是那么有异议的。

    Not thinking about those facts that I knew at one point & just not all that objectionable .

  17. 这是世界上所有的行动者和摇摆者都知道的事实。

    This is something that all of the world 's movers and shakers have known to be true .

  18. 但是,我觉得大多数时候我们基于我们是谁做出决定,而不是基于我们知道的事实。

    Mostly , though , I think we make choices based on who we are , not what we know .

  19. 无论在什么领域,关键在于你要根据你所知道的事实行动,不要仅仅根据假设行动。

    In all departments , the trick is to work with what you know for a fact , not what you merely suppose .

  20. 不过他说的话还是向我们展示了一个大家都知道的事实,众所周知的是卫生保健成本上升得太快了。

    And this is where he did show us some acknowledgment of the facts , the acknowledgment was health-care costs are growing too fast .

  21. 因为人们知道的事实情况越多,他们对那些告诉他们情况并非如此的人的信心就越少。

    As they learn more about the reality of the situation , the less confidence they will have in those who tell them that the situation is different .

  22. 时至今日,我们所知道的事实是,她谎报了她的头衔,可能是因为她的虚荣心,希望把自己和慈善机构联系起来。

    So far , as of today , we know that she herself made up that title & probably because she feels proud to be associated with charity .

  23. 做为利物浦的主要股东,亨利第2次来到安菲尔德看球是第215次莫西边德比。但是比赛除了那些亨利已经知道的事实以外,没有告诉他更多的内容。

    The215th Merseyside derby enticed John W Henry to only his second Anfield game as Liverpool 's principal owner but told him nothing he did not already know .

  24. 另外一个我想让你知道的事实就是,在美国,关于中国的话题并不是像本国的话题那么火热的。

    And also a fact I would like to let you know that , in the US , topics about China is not as hot as the domestic ones .

  25. 并非科技含量很高的产品,当初就靠“一口缸、两根棒”搅拌起家,这是很多人已经知道的事实。

    Not a high tech product , had to rely on " a cylinder , two bars ," mixing started , this is the fact that many people already know .

  26. 在过去的一年里,世界见证了我们一直以来都知道的事实:那就是美国人民是世界上最无畏、勇敢、坚定的民族。

    Over the last year , the world has seen what we always know : that no people on Earth are so fearless , or daring , or determined as Americans .

  27. 今天,我想花一点时间简单明了地跟大家谈一谈埃博拉病毒。包括我们正在做的和你们所应该知道的事实。

    Today , I want to take a few minutes to speak with you-directly and clearly-about Ebola : what we 're doing about it , and what you need to know .

  28. 他说,他作出过承诺,将尽快与公众分享他知道的事实。他还说,他认为如果布什总统和他采取同样的行动,布什总统将可以恢复他所失去的很大一部分信誉。

    He says he made a commitment to share with the public what he knew as soon as possible and believes President Bush could restore much of the trust McClellan says he has lost by doing the same .

  29. 你想知道真正的事实吗?

    You wanna know the honest-to-God truth ?

  30. 而大多数时候我们都坚信自己知道的是事实。

    And , most of the time , we insist that what we know is the truth .