
  1. 他不知道分子是由原子组成的,于是他禁止别人去上学。

    He did not know that a molecule is made up of atoms , so he forbade the others to go to school .

  2. 他想要让它们成键,他需要知道分子结构,因为如果结构不对。

    He needs to know about the structures of the molecules , because if the structure is wrong it 's not going to work .

  3. 通过所得的SERS光谱进行分析,可以知道C60分子会因为对称性下降而产生峰的分裂,从实验结果中我们很好的证明了这一结论。

    SERS spectra obtained through the analysis , we can see that because of the symmetry of C60 molecules decreased peak splitting arising from the experimental results , we prove that good this conclusion .

  4. 你知道为什么分子被加热时,它的速度会加快吗?

    Do you know the reason why the speed of the molecules is in-creased when heated ?

  5. 对于吸附在表面的分子,人们就希望知道这些分子的几何形状。

    For a molecule adsorbed on the surface one would like to know the geometry of the molecule .

  6. 安妮弗兰克知道纳粹分子在阿姆斯特丹乃至整个荷兰对犹太人家庭的昼夜围捕。

    Anne Frank knew about the constant rounding-up of Jewish families by the Nazis in Amsterdam and throughout holland .

  7. 直到最近美国仍然对此睁一眼闭一眼,因为美国政府毕竟清楚知道圣战分子并不是一朝一夕可以清除的。

    Until recently America turned a blind eye : better the general you know than the deep green sea of jihadism .

  8. 现在他想知道更多分子作用,使脑部网络不断变化记忆可能连续。

    Now he wants to know more about the molecular players that make the brain 's whole network of constantly changing memory connections possible .

  9. 研究者还不知道在分子水平是什么激发细胞分裂,但是认识到这个过程以及如何控制它可以通往安全的有效的干细胞治疗道路。

    Researchers don 't know yet what sparks cell division at the molecular level , but learning that process and how to control it could lead to a safe , effective stem cell therapy .

  10. 他们想知道这些RNA分子是否具有什么生死攸关的功能。

    They wondered whether these RNA molecules could be serving some vital function .

  11. 我们现在知道这些种族分子的观点是错误的。

    We now know that these racist views were wrong .

  12. 在确定一个化合物的结构式之前,首先应知道它的分子式。

    Before we can assign a structural formula to a compound , we must first know its molecular formula .

  13. 我们知道许多犯罪分子秘密地将货物从偷猎地运送到市场的公路、机场和港口。

    We know many of the roads , the airports and ports criminals use to transport their cargo from killing field to marketplace .

  14. 一般情况下,只有知道生物大分子的原子水平结构才能更好地了解其功能。

    In general , only with a good understanding of the structure of the macromolecular complexes at atomic resolution level , can its function be better understood .

  15. 我们知道,恐怖主义分子和犯罪团伙仍有觊觎之心还包括制作脏弹的放射性材料。

    And we know that terrorists and criminal gangs are still trying to get their hands on it & as well as radioactive material for a dirty bomb .

  16. 讽刺的是,我想知道那些左翼分子都到哪儿去了?他们曾强烈批评约翰霍华德以及他与布什的关系。

    The irony of this is that I wonder where are all those politicians on the left who were so critical of John Howard and his relationship with Bush .

  17. 采用原子-键电负性均衡方法,只要知道所需分子体系的结构坐标,就可以快速准确确定相关原子以及有关区域的电荷分布。

    By applying the atom-bond electronegativity equalization - σπ model , we can calculate the charge distributions of atom and relative area quickly if we know the coordinate of the system .

  18. 我们知道受限的水分子与bulk水中水分子的行为是不同的,受限空间的尺度、结构及材料特性严重影响着水动力学过程。

    We know that the behavior of the water in the confined space is different to that in bulk , the dynamics processes of the water is affected by the scale , the structure and the material properties of the confined space .

  19. 它是在人们知道,原子和分子之前发展起来的。

    It was developed before people knew about atoms and molecules .

  20. 我们知道存在原子和分子。

    We know there are atoms and molecules .

  21. 讲授要达到的知识目标是让学生知道:物质由分子组成;

    Knowledge of teaching objectives to be achieved is to make students aware of : substance composed of molecules ;