
  1. 我爱我家,因为家里的每个人都给我很大帮助。

    I like my family because each family member helps me a lot .

  2. 房屋中介机构我爱我家的负责人明确表示了他的观点。

    I love my family housing intermediaries responsible person clearly expressed his views .

  3. 我爱我家非常。

    I love my family very much .

  4. 我爱我家

    I Love My Home This Is Me

  5. 我们很努力,因为我爱我家,我爱生活!

    We work very hard , because I love my family , I love the life !

  6. 我爱我家的杜鹃花,它给我家带来了活力,带来了美丽。

    I love my family azaleas , which brought together the energy to my home , bringing beautiful .

  7. 我爱我家,小面搬家,真诚有佳,实惠到家!

    I love my home , a small plane to move , in good faith there is good .

  8. 英达在《我爱我家》之后创作的一系列情景喜剧均未能超越这部经典之作。

    Ying Da in the " I love my family " after a series of sitcom writing are not better than this classic .

  9. 8月5日,例如中原集团,我爱我家等上海房地产中介宣布禁止在搜房网中发布消息。

    On August 5 , 13 Shanghai real estate brokerages , including Centaline and 5I5J.com , announced a ban on listing properties on SouFun .

  10. 我爱我家,它不仅给我快乐、温暖,而且教我做人。

    I love my family . It not only gives me much happiness and warmth but also teaches me how to be a real man .

  11. 国内虽然也出现了众多后继之作,但也一直没能达到《我爱我家》的高度。

    Although there have been numerous domestic successor of the for , but have not been able to achieve " I love my home " level .

  12. 社会主义荣辱观教育的实践与探索&在青少年中开展我爱我家系列教育活动的思考

    Practice and Exploration of the Socialist Honor and Shame Ideology Education & Reflection on the Series of " Love One 's Home " Education Activities among Juveniles

  13. 随着《我爱我家》在各地电视台的频繁播出,观众也慢慢走出了固有的审美模式。

    With the frequent broadcasting of I Love My Family on the TV stations in various places , the audience came out of the aesthetic ivory slowly .

  14. 本文通过分析南京“我爱我家”房产中介的经营发展,找出其在服务营销中存在的问题,从而提出一些解决对策。

    In analyzing the nanjing " 5i5j " property intermediary development , find out problems in the service marketing , so as to improve the competitiveness of enterprises .

  15. 中国情景喜剧作为一门从国外舶来的电视节目类型,自1992年英达推出中国第一部大型情景喜剧《我爱我家》之日算起,已在中国走过了十几年的发展历程。

    Chinese situation comedy , as a television program form from West have undergone years of development since 1992 when Ying Da , the father of Chinese situation comedies directed and put on the first TV Situation Comedy I Love My Family in China .

  16. 1993年,《我爱我家》横空出世,情景喜剧带来了城市喜剧发展的契机,从此中国电视的屏幕上出现了不同于以往的电视喜剧形式。

    In 1993 , " I loved my home " to renounce the world splendidly , the sitcom has brought the opportunity of urban comedy development , the TV comedy form is different from the past appeared on the screen of the Chinese TV from then on .

  17. 尽管家里只有很少几件家具而且房内显得有些零乱,但我却很爱我家。

    Though there is only a little furniture in my home and everything in the rooms seems rather disorderly , I love my home very much .

  18. “对不起,我爱你,但是我家里不同意”。

    I love you , but my family doesn 't agree . I 'm so sorry .

  19. 如果你爱我,请像我爱我家人那样爱他们,他们会感觉的到。

    If you love me , like I love my family , please love them , they will feel it .

  20. 好多好多我都不能表达,但是我爱我家!

    Love you so much my dear parents !