
  • 网络I want to fight
  1. 今天我要努力奋斗!

    Today , I want to work hard !

  2. 我也要奋斗了,拼搏了,为的是追求那淡泊的宁静。

    I would also struggle , and struggle , and for the pursuit of those stoic , quiet .

  3. 我真的要奋斗的是成为美国主流。

    What I really have to fight is the mainstream America .

  4. 这就是我要继续为之奋斗的。

    And that 's what I 'll keep fighting for .

  5. 无论奋斗的路上我遇到多少障碍,我还是要继续奋斗直至成功!

    No matter how many obstacles I meet along the way , I will keep on striving until I reach my goal !

  6. 但我的教练和父母说,我要继续奋斗,继续打球,永远不要放弃,那一天就会到来。

    But my coach and my parents tell me to keep fighting , to keep playing and never give up , that this day would come .

  7. 不再没有目标的活着,我要有自己的目标,我要为之奋斗。

    No longer live , I will have their own goals , I want to fight for .

  8. 在这个世界上,我最爱的人就是妈妈。我要努力奋斗,像妈妈那样做一个有用的人。

    The person I love best in the world is my mother . I will do my best and be a useful person like my mother .

  9. 这不仅仅是我的问题,这是激情,是事业,是我要继续奋斗的,为了让每个美国人,没有例外,没有借口的每个美国人都投保的斗争!

    This isn 't just an issue for me , it is a passion and a cause , and it is a fight I will continue until every single American is insured & no exceptions , no excuses .

  10. 我的人生目的就是要加入到这个不可思议的城市这是我要为之奋斗的事业重要性远大于我自己

    To get clarity about what my life purpose was was to join this incredible city in a course that I thought was far greater than myself .