
  • 网络I Don't Want To Be Like This Either
  1. 你知道我也不想这样的康拉德

    you know I wouldn 't want that , Conrad .

  2. 你不想去向政府求援吗?我也不想这样做。

    You don 't want to go to the government ? Neither do I.

  3. 我们无法使时钟倒转,我也不想这样。

    We can 't turn back clocks , and I don 't want to .

  4. 我也不想这样,吉米

    I don 't like it , Jimmy .

  5. 不过,很遗憾,我也不想这样,但是我必须要走了.

    You know , I hate to do this , but I 've actually gotta run .

  6. 我也不想这样的,但是警察来了。

    Never thought I 'd say this , but , hot damn , it 's the cops .

  7. 我也不想这样,但我是国会议员

    Look , I don 't wanna be a prick , but I 'm a member of the Congress .

  8. “各位请原谅,”威尔伯小声的说道:“我也不想这样鲁莽的。”

    " I beg everyone 's pardon ," whispered Wilbur . " I didn 't mean to be objectionable . "

  9. 我也不想这样持续打电话打扰你,但请理解我的确需要知道事情怎么样了。

    Believe me , I hate to keep bugging you but please understand I really just need to know how it goes .

  10. 因为我也不想今天这样的事发生

    Because I didn 't want something like this to happen .

  11. 我…也不想这样的。

    I don 't mean to ... to be like I am .

  12. 罗恩,罗恩,我也不想弄成这样。

    Ron ? Ron ! I never wanted it to be like this .

  13. 我和Kate也不想这样

    Neither do l and neither does Kate .

  14. 我宁愿死也不想被这样永远囚禁。

    I would rather be dead than be trapped like this forever .

  15. 是我们愤怒地喊出的那句话:嗨,不能这样对我,我再也不想这样了。

    It is our anger saying , Hey this is not right for me . I don 't want this in my life any longer .

  16. 我是说,我也不想这样但是因为一些原因VBC采用了美国的承包商我无意冒犯,但是他们都留着山羊胡,又胖又壮实你懂吗?

    I mean , I wouldn 't ask , it 's just that for some reason , the VBC use an American contractor and , I mean , no offense , but they 're all , like , goatees and " fatstrong . " You know ?