
  • 网络undercurrent;Invisible Waves
  1. 那来自死亡诱惑,我听见黑暗在呼唤,灵魂在躁动,那些被撕裂的伤痕,暗涌的悲伤将我吞没,像死水的气息

    That died from the temptation of the dark I heard the call of the restless soul , the wounds of those who have been torn , Invisible Waves of sadness engulfed me , such as stagnant water in the air

  2. 但表面的平和之下有暗涌流动:Dan对于流行文化颇为不敏感,他并不知道他为之倾心的女孩儿正是大红大紫的某部类似于《暮色》那样吸血鬼电影的女主角。

    Of course , there 's a twist : Dan is so tuned out to pop culture that he doesn 't realize the girl he 's falling for is a huge movie star famous for her role in a Twilight-esque series of vampire movies .

  3. 你有着黑夜暗涌般深邃的双眸。

    You have deep eyes in which the night flails .

  4. 高质量黑客每天都在涌现,而黑客内部战争也在暗涌。

    In the midst of all the high-profile hacks rolling out almost daily , a hacker civil war is also under way .

  5. 在海底深渊,急流暗涌冰冻刺骨,所有的动物,即使是最大的深海怪物亦不例外,都在无边的黑暗中挣扎求存,而我的长途冒险旅行,就从这里开始。

    My odyssey begins in the crushing cold abyss where creatures survive in permanent darkness including the largest deep sea monster of all .

  6. 在工业国家,虽然贪污暗涌可能在基层发生,但是高层对轴心问题下决策,必定经过高度透明的竞争和论才任命。

    In industrial countries , these core decisions are taken through transparent competition and on merit , even though petty corruption may occur down stream .

  7. 作为一种世界性的思潮,民粹主义自清末进入中国以来,就以与多种思潮相交融的形态,一直在中国社会思想中潜波暗涌。

    To be a worldwide ideology , populism has been blending with other ideologies since it entered China in the last of19 ~ ( th ) century .

  8. 片中许多武打场面的背景都是在美轮美奂的厅堂里,如同剑拔弩张的棋局那种平静之下的暗涌,但却是生死攸关。

    Many of the kung-fu scenes are set in beautifully furnished parlor rooms that suggest the quiet intensity of a high-stakes chess game , but one in which the threats could mean life or death .

  9. 除此之外,本文力求发掘不同语言使用下潜藏着的权利和意识形态,研究模糊的意识形态并诠释如何通过发言人和听众之间暗涌的权力斗争来实现语言的另一功能。

    Besides , this thesis tries to explore the ideology hidden in the various use of language , investigating the obscure ideology and interpreting how it works in the latent power struggle between the addresser and the addressee .