
  • 网络Dark Hole;Dark cave
  1. 它进入脑中的暗洞里。

    It enters the dark hole of the head .

  2. 深沉,冷淡,含蓄,凹陷的眼睛,像是猫在暗洞里探头出来一般窥望着你。

    Deep , strange , receding , cavernous eyes contemplated you as might those of a cat looking out of a dark hole .

  3. 蝙蝠多躲藏在暗洞里。

    Bats tend to hide in dark caves .

  4. 此刻他面对的是险恶的地形,以及暗洞,山狮和饿熊,对了,还有狼獾呢。

    Right now he is facing treacherous terrain , sudden drops , mountain lions , hungry bears , oh , and wolverines .

  5. 而且,为了害怕再被捕,德纳第被撵到了暗洞的最深处,这个判决使此人埋到深深的黑暗中。

    Moreover , by thrusting Thenardier back into the very remotest depths , through a fear of being re-captured , this sentence added to the density of the shadows which enveloped this man .

  6. 修建树梓沟骨干坝中,因处理岸坡喀斯特暗洞,使总工程量较原设计增加18.27%,总投资增加24.69%。在黄土高原选定治沟骨干工程坝址时,应十分注意黄土喀斯特地质问题。

    Because of the loess karst the volumes of dam work in gullies increase by 18.27 % and investment by 24.67 % , and great attention should be paid to loess karst geological problems during the choice of damsites in gullies .

  7. 监控量测技术在暗挖单洞重叠隧道中的应用

    Application of the monitoring techniques adopted in overlapped single-cell tunnels

  8. 文章介绍了深圳地铁国老区间北段处于软弱围岩中的浅埋暗挖单洞重叠隧道的施工过程,及其在施工中采用的新技术、新工艺。

    This paper introduces the construction process of the overlapped shallow single tunnels embedded in soft and weak surrounding rocks on the north Guo-Lao section of Shenzhen metro by using mining methods , and also the new techniques and crafts adopted .

  9. 地铁暗挖车站PBA洞桩法施工技术

    The " PBA " Cave-pile Construction Technique Used in the Underground Excavation of the Subway Station

  10. 分离岛式暗挖车站的洞桩法结构设计

    Structural Design of Separated Island Metro Station Constructed by means of Pile-Beam-Arch Mining Method