
  • 网络hypocrellin;hypocrellins;hypocrelline
  1. 纯的竹红菌素包括竹红菌甲素(HA)和竹红菌乙素(HB),目前广泛应用于临床的是没有完全分离并含有部分其他成分或杂质的竹红菌素粗品。

    Pure Hypocrellin includes hypocrellin A ( HA ) and hypocrellin B ( HB ) . At present , it is widely used in clinical not completely isolated and contains some of the other ingredients or impurities in crude Hypocrellin .

  2. 结果表明竹红菌素可能是一种有效的光动力学反应的光敏剂。

    It showed that hypocrellin might be an effective photosensitizer in photodynamic reaction .

  3. 竹红菌素在DMF-H2O混合体系中的电化学研究

    Electrochemical investigation of hypocrellin in dmf-h_2o mixed system

  4. ESR方法检测竹红菌素的半醌负离子自由基

    Detection of Semiquinone Radical Anions of Hypocrellins by ESR Spectra

  5. 利用光谱法研究了氧化钛包裹竹红菌素纳米粒对CT-DNA的光敏损伤能力,结果表明其对DNA的损伤能力强于竹红菌素的水溶液。

    The photosensitive damage ability to CT-DNA were tested with spectrofluorimeter , results showed Hypocrellin encapsulated in titanium dioxide nanoparticles has better photosensitive damage ability than that in water .

  6. 反应体系的ESP研究表明,这一磺化反应首先是通过竹红菌素和Na2SO3之间热活化的电子转移进行的。

    The ESR study of the reaction system showed that this sulfonationreaction was initiated by the heat induced electron transfer between Hypocrellins and SO_2 ~ ( 2 - ) to produce the semiquinone radical anion and sulfur trioxide radical anion ( SO_3 ~ - ) .

  7. 二氧化钛包裹竹红菌素纳米粒的制备和表征

    Preparation and Characterization of Hypocrellin Encapsulated in Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

  8. 竹红菌素自敏光氧化反应机制的研究

    Red is the east study on the mechanism of auto-sensitized photooxidation of hypocrellin

  9. 竹红菌素的13位磺化反应和反应机理

    Studies on the Sulfonation of Hypocrellins at the 13-Position and the Reaction Mechanism

  10. 竹红菌素的β-腈乙基化和选择光氧化

    β - Cyanoethylation and Selective photooxygenation of Hypocrellin pigments

  11. 磺化竹红菌素对蛋白质荧光猝灭机理的研究

    Studies of quenching of protein fluorescence by sulphated hypocrellin

  12. 竹红菌素分子内氢转移反应的机理

    The theoretical study on hydrogen transfer of hypocrellin

  13. 由于竹红菌素良好的光动力性质,其被认为是一类具有临床应用前景的光动力药物。

    Because of their favorable photodynamic properties , hypocrellins present promising application potential in photodynamic therapy ( PDT ) .

  14. 临床发现,对于多种皮肤病的治疗,竹红菌素必须配合光照疗法才能取得良好的疗效。

    For a variety of skin diseases clinical findings , it must work in light therapy to obtain good results .

  15. 竹黄是我国民间药用真菌,其主要生物活性成分为竹红菌素。

    Stromata of Shiraia bambusicola were used as folk drug in China , and the main active chemicals of them were hypocrellins .

  16. 本文概述了竹黄菌的生物学特性及自然分布、竹红菌素的生理功能及其生产应用。

    The review introduced the biology character and nature distribution of Shiraia bambusicola Henn , the physiology function , the manufacture and application of Hypocrellin .

  17. 利用红外、紫外、荧光光谱研究了氧化钛包裹竹红菌素纳米粒的光谱性质并与竹红菌素在水溶液中的光谱进行了比较。

    The spectral properties of Hypocrellin encapsulated in titanium dioxide nanoparticles were studied by IR spectrophotometer , UV / Vis spectrophotometer and spectrofluorimeter and compared with Hypocrellin in water .

  18. 将竹红菌素应用于光动力疗法所面临的困难之一就是竹红菌素本身在光疗窗口(600~900纳米)的吸收极弱。

    One of the deficiency that limits hypocrellins ' use in photodynamic therapy is that they do not display sufficiently strong absorption in phototherapeutic window ( 600 ~ 900nm ), in which tissue penetration is maximal .

  19. 竹红菌甲素与细胞色素C相互作用的同步荧光光谱研究

    Study on the Interaction Between Hypocrellin A and Cytochrome C Using Synchronous Fluorescence Spectra

  20. HPLC法测定光疗药物竹红菌乙素的含量

    Determination of Phototherapy Medicine Hypocrellin B by HPLC

  21. 琥乙红霉素片溶出度检查方法的探讨HPLC法测定光疗药物竹红菌乙素的含量

    Discuss the dissolution test met of Erythromycin ethylsuccinate tablets Determination of Phototherapy Medicine Hypocrellin B by HPLC

  22. 竹红菌甲素敏化E.coli菌体蛋白光氧化反应及机制

    Photooxidation and mechanism of E.coli bacterial protein sensitized by hypocrellin A

  23. 竹红菌甲素敏化NADPH光氧化NADP~+

    Hypocrellin a-sensitized NADPH in the photooxidation to be nadp ~ +

  24. 研究了竹红菌乙素(以下简称乙素,HB)对小鼠腹水型肝癌细胞(AH)的杀伤作用,并初步解释了其杀伤机理。

    In this paper , we primarily studied the HB-sensitized cytotoxicity to murine ascitic hepatoma cell ( AH ) .

  25. 竹红菌乙素的光磺化反应对反应条件(如氧的浓度、溶液的pH值、溶剂的极性)的变化非常敏感。

    The photo induced sulfonation of hypocrellins is very susceptible to the changes of reaction conditions such as the concentration of oxygen , pH value of the solution , and polarity of the solvent .

  26. 竹红菌甲素敏化S-180肿瘤细胞膜的光氧化反应及机理探讨

    The photooxidation of S-180 cell membrane sensitized by hypocrellin A and its mechanism

  27. 为了对候选光敏剂竹红菌甲素(HA)进行改性并保持其优异的敏化特性,对HA的光谱特性和激发态性质作了进一步的指认。

    In order to modify hypocrellin A ( HA ) while maintaining its excellent sensitivity to singlet oxygen , work has been done to recognise its spectroscopy and electronic excited state properties .

  28. 本文在均相有机体系和非均相胶束体系中用ESR、自旋捕捉、消自旋等技术研究了竹红菌甲素(HA)和尾孢素(CP)的光敏特征;

    In this paper , ESR , spin trapping and spin counteraction are used to study the photosensitization of hypocrellin A ( HA ) and cercosporin ( CP ) in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems separately .

  29. 3观察竹红菌乙素(HB)光动力疗法中,对家兔脉络膜毛细血管封闭作用特点,探讨HB是否能够选择性引起脉络膜毛细血管的闭塞,满足PDT治疗AMD的要求。

    To observe the biological effect of hypocrellin B ( HB ) photodynamic therapy ( PDT ) on the normal retina and choroid of the rabbits in order to investigate whether HB-PDT can lead to the selective occlusion of choriocapillaris .

  30. 本文研究了竹红菌甲素和还原型谷胱甘肽(GluSH)间的光诱导氧化还原作用。

    The photoinduced redox reaction between hypocrellin A and reduced glutathione ( GluSH ) was investigated .