
  • 网络The Last Time;wheel and deal
  1. 机构投资者们喋喋不休的抱怨给了监管层更多的借口以介入暗盘交易。

    Grumbles by institutional investors give regulators more excuse to get involved .

  2. 如此高的成交量也意味着暗盘交易的价差之低已足以与交易所相匹敌。

    These high volumes also mean spreads can be almost as low as on exchanges .

  3. 而券商所设暗盘的交易执行率则要高得多,这也解释了为什么它们垄断了90%的暗盘交易。

    The execution rate on pools owned by broker-dealers is much higher , one reason why they account for as much as90 % of dark-pool trading .

  4. 在美国和欧洲,监管层已在实行一些计划以促使暗盘实时发布交易信息(除非是超大宗交易)。

    Plans are afoot in America and Europe to make dark pools publish orders instantly , unless they are of bulk size .