
àn mǎ
  • cipher;secret code;code message;private mark;secret signs
暗码 [àn mǎ]
  • [secret code;cipher;code message] 商店用来标名商品实际价值、不为外人知道的秘密符号

暗码[àn mǎ]
  1. 柳州暗码理据探讨

    An Investigation of Theoretical Foundation of Hidden Codes in Liuzhou Dialect

  2. 一种保险箱暗码锁控制线路的设计

    A design of control circuit for built-in code lock in strong-box

  3. 以前说过,这是数字暗码。

    As I have said , it was a number code .

  4. 窃盗们如何晓得用以开保险柜的暗码?

    How did the thieves learn the combination used to open the safe ?

  5. 填写我们数据库的用户名和暗码。

    This user requires permission to create databases and users on the Database Server .

  6. 我拨动暗码锁上的号码,打开了保险柜的沉重的门。

    I turned the dials on the lock and swung open the heavy safe door .

  7. 面子观念不独存在于中国,但却在中国表现得尤为明显,以至于研究中国文化的人都把它当做打开中国人主要性格特质的暗码箱的钥匙。

    The view of face is not just exist in Chinese but it shows so obvious there that the researchers of Chinese culture take it as the key to understand the main character of Chinese .