
míng mǎ
  • plain code;with the price clearly marked;listed price
明码 [míng mǎ]
  • (1) [plain code]∶公开通用的电码

  • 明码电报

  • (2) [listed price]∶旧时指标明的价格

  • 明码出售

明码[míng mǎ]
  1. 不准使用明码或者未经中央有关机关审查批准的密码传递国家秘密。

    No state secrets shall be transmitted by plain code or by a secret code that has not been examined and approved by the central organs concerned .

  2. FPGA的汉明码数据传输系统的设计

    A Transmission System of Data with Hamming Code Based on FPGA

  3. 基于汉明码的DCT域水印算法

    Dct-based watermarking algorithms using hamming code

  4. 用MCS-51实现(7,4)汉明码的译码方法

    Coding Method of Implementing ( 7,4 ) Hamming By MCS-51

  5. 卢埃林・克里埃尔(LlewellynKriel),TopEditorInternationalMediaServices的CEO:所有东西――所有东西――都将在网上明码标价地出售。

    Llewellyn Kriel , CEO of TopEditor International Media Services : ' Everything -- every thing -- will be available online with price tags attached .

  6. 循环汉明码CHEC及其在计算机系统中的应用

    Cyclic Hamming Error-Correcting Codes and their Applications in Computer Systems

  7. 采用扩展汉明码作为Turbo乘积码(TPC)的子码时,与传统的Chase算法相比,Cyclic-2PML(循环2伪最大似然)算法复杂度低。

    Cyclic-2 PML ( Pseudo Maximum Likelihood ) algorithm is of lower complexity compared with the traditional Chase algorithm when extended hamming code is used as the sub-code of Turbo Product Code ( TPC ) .

  8. 对于基于线性分组码标准阵列的选择映射法,提出了用扩展汉明码标准阵列来降低峰均功率比的具体算法,并通过蒙特卡罗仿真,证明了该算法可以有效地降低PAPR。

    A specific scheme is proposed to reduce the PAPR by using the standard arrays of extended hamming code . With Monte Carlo simulation , the effect on PAPR reduction of this scheme is testified .

  9. 在原有AES硬件设计中加入汉明码纠错电路,能自动纠正同一字节内的所有单比特故障,硬件仿真实验证明,故障发现率接近100%。

    The design adds Hamming Code error correction circuits into the original AES implementation and it can correct all single-fault in the same byte automatically . Hardware simulation shows that the ratio of fault detection is close to 100 % .

  10. 汉明码在提高nRF2401无线数据传输可靠性中的应用

    The Application of Hamming Code in Improvement of nRF2401 ′ s Reliability of Wireless Data Transmission

  11. 同时,得出了群PSL3(2)也是汉明码A7的自同构群。

    Then we get a conclusion that the group PSL3 ( 2 ) is also an automorphism group of Hamming code A7 .

  12. 在文献[2]中证明了线性变换群GL3(2)是汉明码A7的自同构群。

    It was proved that linear transformation group GL3 ( 2 ) is an automorphism group of Hamming Code A - in paper [ 2 ] .

  13. 文章设计了AVR单片机主从式的数据传输协议及其数据纠错方式,利用了循环冗余校验和汉明码校验技术,保证数据传输的可靠性,提高系统的抗干扰能力。

    The thesis designs AVR singlechip principal and subordinate transmission protocol and data corrected way , uses the technology of CRC check and Hamming code check in order to guarantee the data transmission reliability and improve the system antijamming ability .

  14. 文中具体使用了几种常用的纠错编码方法(如汉明码、BCH码、RS码和卷积码等)对水印结构进行预处理来提高水印的健壮性。

    The paper applies many kinds of error correcting coding ( such as hamming code , BCH code , RS code and the convolutional code ) in watermarking , intending to lower the detection error rate by correcting some errors , and to improve the robustness of watermarking .

  15. Dolce&Gabbana在官网上列出了许多手表,却并未给出价格,上面只写着“按需定价”。但DS5金表倒是明码标价了,却相当惊人——34500欧元,约合37000美元。

    Dolce & Gabbana lists a number of watches on its website without a price tag . Rather , all it says is " prices upon request . " But the DS5 Gold 's price is listed : it is a whooping 34500 euros , or around $ 37000 .

  16. 一种新型的近仙农理论极限的码:并行联接扩展汉明码

    Newly Near Shannon Limit Codes : Parallel Concatenated Extended Hamming Codes

  17. 恐怕不能讲价,本店是明码标价。

    I 'm afraid the prices are fixed in this store .

  18. 计算机网络上中文明码通信安全性的研究

    Study on communication security of Chinese plain text in computer network

  19. 汉明码在大型传感器网络中的应用研究

    Application and research of Hamming code in large scale sensor networks

  20. 海明码的原理及其构造方法

    The R.Hamming Redundancy Code 's Theory and the Method of Construction

  21. 着重从编码的角度介绍应用层的抗干扰方法,即交错海明码的原理。

    Then , the principle of interlaced hamming code was introduced .

  22. 海明码在微机信息传输中的纠错原理与应用

    Error-correcting principle and applications in microcomputer information transmission with Hamming code

  23. 扩展海明码在嵌入式系统通信中的应用

    The Application of Extended Hamming Code in Communications of Embedded Systems

  24. 明码实价是广告业走向规范服务的必经之途

    Clearly Pricing is the Inevitable Way to Standardization of Ad Services

  25. 广告服务,如何明码标价?

    Ad 's Service , how is it Priced Clearly ?

  26. 一种基于海明码的二值图像水印检测方法

    A binary image watermark authentication method based on Hamming Code

  27. 所有商品都应明码实价。

    All goods must be with net prices clearly marked .

  28. 不按照规定的内容和方式明码标价的;

    Failing to mark prices in accordance with prescribed contents and ways ;

  29. 利用模拟退火算法计算汉明码广义汉明重量谱

    On Calculating the Generalized Hamming Weights of Hamming Codes with Simulated Annealing

  30. 汉明码校验原理解析

    Parsing of the Check and Rectification Principle of Hamming Code