
  • 网络ming poetry
  1. 王船山论明诗评议

    Appraisements on Wang Chuanshan 's Criticism of Ming Poetry

  2. 复古与创新:寻找失落的真诗&论明诗的道路及其历史启示

    On Ming Poetry : Looking for True Poetry Lost

  3. 论文化诗学与诗性文体&对《明诗》、《铭箴》卷组的一个宏观诠释

    On Cultural Poetics and Poetic Style

  4. 尽管明代主流诗人或力倡复古,或力主创新,企图找回失落的“真诗”,但也未能改变明诗平庸的面貌。

    Restoring to classical style or bringing forth the new one , Ming poets tries to find the true poetry lost but in vain .

  5. 检讨王船山明诗批评的成果,对于今天研究明诗,建立科学的明诗学具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。

    A close examination of his achievement in poetic criticism will help to shed light on the research of Ming poetry so to establish a scientific school for the study of poetry in the Ming Dynasty .

  6. 总之,云间诗派为明诗的终结划下一个极具分量的句号,其多样的艺术取向还对清诗的发展产生重大影响。

    In a word , Yunjian poetic school drew full stop of weight extremely for the end of poem of Ming Dynasty and its various artistic orientation still exerts a great influence on the poem of Qing Dynasty .

  7. 唐宋诗是中国诗歌史上的两朵奇葩,但有明一代诗必盛唐的强大呼声将宋诗淹没了二百多年。

    The poems of Tang and Song Dynasty are two wonderful works in the history of Chinese poem .

  8. 胡震亨的《李诗通》代表了明人注李诗的最高成就,也是李白研究史上的一部佳作。

    The Li Shi Tong by Hu Zhen Heng represented the highest achievement among all annotations and a masterpiece in Li Po'study history .