
  • 网络dialect characters
  1. 方言字是个历史范畴,会随着时代的变化而改变属性。

    As a kind of historical category , dialect characters will change their nature with the development of times .

  2. 《说文》或体多方言字证说

    Definition of syndrome Study on the Dialect Characters of Huo Ti in " Shuowen Jiezi "

  3. 粤语方言字刍议

    A Tentative Discussion on Cantonese Dialects and Their Writings

  4. 汉语方言字的性质、来源、类型和规范

    On Characters of Chinese Dialect Chinese Characters On the Nature of the Chinese Characters

  5. 宜昌方言字考古

    Archeological Study of Characters in Yichang Dialect

  6. 搞是西南官话区的方言字,现在吸收在全民的书面语里。

    Gao is a dialect word in Southwest Mandarin , now absorbed in the national wide written language .

  7. 汉语方言字是指在特定方言区内通行、专门用以记录某一方言口语的文字形式,具有与普通汉字不完全相同的性质。

    Characters of Chinese dialect are a kind of character form that is not as same as the common Chinese characters in quality that are used to record a special dialect in a special dialectal area .

  8. 平遥方言四字成语的构成方式

    The Structure of the Four - character Idioms in Pingyao Dialect

  9. 灒字的方言本字考

    Outline of an Etymological Note of Zan of Chinese Dialect Words

  10. 江西吴城方言本字考

    Notes on Etymology in the Wucheng Dialect of Jiangxi Prov in ce

  11. 湖北嘉鱼方言本字考

    Research on the Original Word of Dialect in County Jiayu of Hubei Province

  12. 遵义方言四字格俗语例释

    The Four Words Of Phrases in Zunyi Dialect

  13. 同时讨论了武汉方言着字的性质和来源。

    And its features in the Wuhan dialect .

  14. 莲花方言来字的句法、语义、语用分析

    Analysis on Syntax Semantic Pragmatic the Word " Lai " in the Lianhua Dialect

  15. 河北平山方言去声字入声调读音研究

    A phonetic study of the Pingshan dialect

  16. 论汉语方言本字考订的四性&以粤方言为例

    Research on the Four Characteristics of the Original Words of Chinese Dialects & Take Cantonese Dialect as an example

  17. 方言中字、词、词组的语音声调对民歌典型音调的影响更为明显。

    And it is the tones of characters , words and phrases in the dialect that have a more obvious influence on the typical pitches of folksongs .

  18. 第四部分是《句读》的注释特色,主要从利用方言阐述字的音义和对古文字资料的利用两个方面来论述。

    The fourth part is the explanation features of the work , which is based on the explaining of pronunciation and meaning through dialects and the utilization of ancient Chinese character materials .

  19. 析徐州方言入声字的文白异读格局以曾摄开一、梗摄开二入声字为例中国寺庙与西方教堂建筑之异的文化解读从白马寺和东堂说开去

    The Literary and Colloquial Reading in Xuzhou Dialect s Entering Tone Words ; On the Differences of Architectural Culture between Chinese Temple and Western Church & Taking White Temple and East Church as Examples

  20. 青海方言中我字诸音考辨

    A Textual Research into the Various Pronunciation of " Wo " in the Dialects of Qinghai

  21. 安徽颍上方言中搁字的语法特色

    A Brief Analysis of the Grammar Characteristic of the word " Ge " in Yingshang Dialect

  22. 本文试对黄县方言的二字组连读变调进行试验和音系分析。

    This thesis presents an experimental and phonological analysis of Tone Sandhi in disyllabic sequence in Huangxian County Dialect .

  23. 可以看出,清代山东方言中古入声字的调类和韵类已经与现代方言的特点基本一致,并且表现出与现代方言基本一致的地域差异,清代到现代的变化是比较小的。

    From the comparison between Qing Dynasty and today , we can find that the features of Qing Dynasty are similar to the features of modern times in Shandong dialect .

  24. 本文通过现代汉语和永新方言相应得字的比较,探寻它在二者间的共性和差异,从一个角度比较现代汉语与永新方言的关系。

    This paper deals with the similarities and differences of its meanings and uses in modern Chinese and Yongxin dialect and therefore reveals the relationship between the two varieties of languages with this regard .

  25. 但是益阳方言[1]声母字在地域上的分布情况有待进一步调查清楚,边音声母字来源广、数量多的原因也需要做深入的探讨。

    But the distributed situation of Yiyang dialect initial consonant character [ 1 ] waits for further investigation clearly , the reasons that lateral initial consonant character broadly originates and quantity many also need making the thorough discussion .

  26. 鄂东部分地区方言中日母字发音规律调查

    Investigation on the Pronunciation Rules of Rimu Characters in Eastern Hubei Dialect

  27. 释四川方言的一些例外字

    On Exceptional Words in Sichuan Dialect

  28. 《方言》中的字与方言词

    Characters and Words in The Dialects

  29. 列出右玉方言所有的单音字,以韵母为纲进行排列。

    Included all the monosyllabic word of Youyu dialect , it carry out as the key link with vowels .

  30. 论华中抗日根据地鄂豫边区的工商税及关税鄂东部分地区方言中日母字发音规律调查

    Survey on the Fax of Hubei-Henan Border Region in Central China ; Investigation on the Pronunciation Rules of Rimu Characters in Eastern Hubei Dialect