
  1. 在过去电影业处于兴旺时期,我一个星期看三部电影。

    I used to see three films a week in the golden age when cinemas were flourishing .

  2. onaverage平均,按平均数计算他平均一周看三部电影。

    On average he watches three movies a week

  3. 让我们先来看一看三个用来创建以及操作timer的函数。

    Let 's start by examining the three functions to which we have access that can construct and manipulate timers .

  4. 我们不是让你看三个小时的去加拉帕戈斯群岛(GalapagosIslands)旅游的幻灯片。

    We 're not asking you to watch a three-hour slide show of a trip to the Galapagos Islands .

  5. 从马克思主义认识论看三个代表的时代要求

    Epochal Significance of " Three Represents " Viewed from Marxist Epistemology

  6. 我每年去看三次外公外婆。

    S3 : I visit my grandparents three times a year .

  7. 苏去斯特拉福看三出历史剧。

    Sue went to Stratford to see three historical plays .

  8. 一天里面可以去看三场《猫》。

    I could 've gone to see cats three times a day .

  9. 他一个月看三次电影。

    He goes to the cinema three times a month .

  10. 假设有三个巫婆看三块手表,哪位巫婆看哪块手表?

    Three witches were watching three wristwatches , which with watched which wristwatch ?

  11. 他平均一周看三部电影。

    On average he watches three movies a week .

  12. 我们看三个有趣的例子,我们要走极限。

    Let 's look at three interesting cases whereby we go to extremes .

  13. 妈妈说我可以看三伙伴

    Mama said I can watch Three 's Company .

  14. 爹的,我们能看三人行吗

    Daddy , can we watch Three 's Company ?

  15. 从数学系统中的标度性看三次数学危机

    The Reflection of Three Mathematic Crises by the Function of Metrizability in Mathematics System

  16. 从社会发展看三个代表思想的科学内涵

    The Scientific Connotations of the " Three Representation " In View of Social Development

  17. 您可以看三个星期,然后就得还了。

    You may keep it for three weeks , then you must return it .

  18. 请您先填好这张表格,然后让我看三种证件。

    Please fill out this form first , then show me three pieces of identification .

  19. 我们看三个典型的个性特质:成就导向,自我驱动,竞争力。

    We look at three typical traits : Achievement Orientation , Ego Drive , and Competition .

  20. 任何连看三场足球赛的人都可以宣布脑死亡。

    Anybody who watches three games of football in a row should be declared brain dead .

  21. 你已经看三小时书了,应该休息一下了。

    You have read the book for3 hours and you should stop to have a rest .

  22. 试从现阶段社会矛盾看三个代表

    A Try to Look at " The Three Represents " From the Angle of the Present Social Contradiction

  23. 本书的插图非常不错。我儿子坚持每天晚上至少看三则寓言。

    The illustrations are great and my son insists on reading a minimum of three fables every night .

  24. 从制度供给看三个代表重要思想主题与科学发展观

    Perspectives on Theme of the Important Thought of Three Represents and View of Scientific Development from System Supply

  25. 先是很多人集中在一间幽暗而空旷的屋檐下,看三段有关心理学的短片。

    Firstly many people were gathering under a dark and empty roof , watching three short movies about Psychology .

  26. 从理化指标看三工位振动成型机力学参数选择的合理性

    Seeing the rationality of mechanic parameter choice of three working position vibration molding machine from physical and chemical indexes

  27. 政治合法性新探:从苏联解体看三个代表的意义

    The New Exploration of the Legitimacy : From the Soviet Union 's Disintegration to See the Meaning of Three Represents

  28. 沃伦十分清楚自己想要去哪儿。我告诉父亲,我想看三个地方。

    Warren knew exactly what he wanted to do : I told my dad I wanted to see three things .

  29. 当我明天把整个内容都学完后,我会按正常放电影的语速再看三遍。

    When I finish learning it tomorrow , I will watch the whole film in normal condition for another three times .

  30. 签任何合同之前至少看三遍&最具挑战性的合同是婚约。

    Read through the contract at least three times , especially when it 's the most challenging one-the contract of marriage .