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  • 网络virtual things
  1. 特别是抢劫罪的行为对象,随着市场经济的发展,笔者认为财产性利益、虚拟财产等新型事物应成为其行为对象。

    This is the key topic discussed at the very beginning of my article . In my opinion , with the development of market economy , property interest , fictitious property , etc will be the action objects of robbery crime .

  2. 信息化的社会是虚拟化的社会,虚拟社会中,事物的客观行为特征与传统社会相比发生了显著变化,社会关系因之发生了不规则改变。

    The information society virtualization social virtual society , things objective behavioral characteristics significant changes compared with the traditional social , social relations consequent irregular change .

  3. 虚拟财产被侵犯引发的纠纷越来越多,然而对于虚拟财产这种新兴事物,传统的法律体系不足以实现对它的保护。

    Virtual property infringement dispute raised more and more , however this new virtual property , the traditional legal system is insufficient to achieve the protection of it .