
xū pán
  • non-firm offer;offer without engagement
虚盘[xū pán]
  1. 他们就下列货品向我们报了虚盘。

    They have make us a non-firm offer of the following item .

  2. 有两种报盘方式:实盘和虚盘。

    There are two kinds of offers : firm offer and non-firm offer .

  3. 以上报盘为虚盘,所有订货将以我方书面接受为准。

    The above offers are made without engagement and all order will be subjected to our writing acceptance .

  4. 虚盘不是最终的,经常会有这样的语句“以先售为准”或“须经我方最后确认”。

    Non-firm offers are not final , often with such words as " subject to prior sale " or " subject to our final confirmation " .

  5. 作为外汇投资机构包括外汇经纪商、银行、外汇投资者个体,需要对即将开放的外汇虚盘交易市场这一潜在的经济新增长点进行价值评估,进而作出理性的投资决策。

    As the FX investment institutions , including FX brokers , banks , individual FX mon-eyman , and work out rational investment decision-making , they need to evaluate the potential new item before the FX margin deal market will be disparked .

  6. 解色散方程,如果频率ω有正的虚部,那么盘是不稳定的。

    A positive imaginary part of the frequency ω means that the mode is unstable .