
  • 网络virtual space;Void;Void Space;cyberspace
  1. 在计算机制图学中,虚空间的预先定义部分。

    In computer graphics , a predefined part of a virtual space .

  2. 针对存在的问题,提出了新的结构设计思想:多虚空间多重映射与主动消息相结合。

    In this paper , the problems in two structures are analyzed , a new structure , multi virtual space and multi mapping with active message , is proposed .

  3. 第二章通过介绍刚体运动与克里福特代数引入虚空间的概念,基于可达流形和接触流形建立机器人C空间障碍物边界,提出机器人实时无碰撞运动规划算法。

    Chapter 2 introduces conception of image space and constructs the robot C-space obstacle boundary based on the reachable manifold and the contact manifold .

  4. 虚空间是包装形态设计中最应考虑的部分。

    The void space should be considered most in the packing design .

  5. 基于多虚空间多重映射技术的并行操作系统

    A Parallel Operating System Based on Multi-Virtual-Space and Multi-Mapping Technology

  6. 走近现代雕塑的虚空间

    A Close Look at the Negative Space of Modern Sculpture

  7. 论视觉设计中虚空间的发展

    The Fictitious Space Development in the Vision Design

  8. 通过实虚空间的概念,分析了扫描中的阵列波瓣,总结给出相控阵天线的方向性系数。

    Using the concept of real and imaginary space , the scanning lobe is researched .

  9. 虚空间&包装设计的再认识

    Void Space & Re-recognizing the Packing Design

  10. 包装的空间由两部分构成:实空间和虚空间。

    Package space is composed of 2 parts , space of entity and space of emptiness .

  11. 虚空间是众多空间类型中一个较为新颖的概念,传统的空间分类形式已不能满足如今业内的学术理论要求。

    Imaginary space of the many types of space in a relatively new concept , the traditional form of classification space .

  12. 实空间是指实体所占据的空间;虚空间是指实体所限定的空间。

    Space of entity is the space occupied by entity , while space of emptiness is the space limited by the entity .

  13. 虚空间因素的介入使包装设计思维更为活跃,也更易于设计者接近包装设计的本质

    Interposition of emptiness space makes thinking of package design more active , and easier for designer close to essence of package design

  14. 虚空间作为一种美学思想源远流长,作为一种艺术处理手法更是被各领域所广泛运用。

    Empty space as a beauty theory has long history and has been widely used as an art-treat method in various fields .

  15. 研究包装虚空间的意义在于用空间理念突破传统包装设计思维的定势,通过不确定的形态,逆向地、灵活地进行联想和创意。

    The meaning of studying void spacelies in breaking through traditional thought of packing design , and associating and creating flexibly and contrarily .

  16. 虚空间具有容纳、支撑、缓冲等应用功能,也是包装形态设计中最应考虑的部分。

    Space of emptiness has applied functions of hold , support , buffer etc. , which should be the most calculated parts during the course of package shape design .

  17. 假设存在一个虚空间这个空间中材料的分布已知,并且声场在这个空间中的传播情况可以很容易的得到,通过一个映射关系将这个虚空间和实际物理空间联系起来。

    Suppose we know the materials distributions in a virtual space and the propagating of the acoustic wave can be easily obtained in that space . The virtual space can be mapped to the real physical space by a certain mapping relationship .

  18. 随后详细分析怠惰的虚地址空间管理、两级缓冲的物理内存管理;

    Secondly , lazy management of virtual address space and management of two-layer-cached physical memory are analyzed .

  19. 巧妙地把实景与虚景空间艺术应用于园林构景中,可以突破有限的空间而达到无限的空间。

    Applying outdoor scene and timid scene space art ingeniously can break through the limited space and create limitless space .

  20. 为了节约不必要的空间和时间开销,我们实现了一种怠惰的虚地址空间管理机制;

    To save the cost of space and time , we implement a kind of lazy management mechanism of application-cache on virtual address space .

  21. 通过把建筑内部空间划分为封闭式的实体空间形式和开放性的虚体空间形式来分别研究组成这两者空间的界面与人的行为关系。

    Through dividing into " closed entity space form " not coming not studying not for interface , the two of spacing respectively as " open body space form not timid " and People 's behavior relation .

  22. 历史性的教训告诫我们,单纯地从建筑容积率、建筑密度、建筑高度等这些常规的控制指标入手,忽视虚体空间,进行对历史街区的修复与改造,难以把握空间特质。

    Historic lesson told us , simply from the building volume rate , building density , building height , the conventional control index , ignore " virtual body " space , the repair and reform of the historic district , it is difficult to grasp the spatial characteristics .

  23. 而在开放性的虚体空间形式中谈论其界面与人的行为关系主要是研究室内空间环境中除开墙体以外其它物件在对空间进行再限定过程中与人的行为发生的联系。

    Talk about interface their and behavior of people relation to study other right and empty things besides opening the wall of the indoor space environment mainly in " open timid body space form " Among go on it limit by course with connection taking place behavior of people .

  24. 并发现在混沌吸引子产生的过程中常规光反馈光场的实虚部相空间轨迹保持对称,而相位共轭反馈的相空间轨迹则表现为对称的‘建立→破坏→再建立’这样的循环过程。

    A phenomenal is found that in the creation process of the chaos attractor , the phase diagram for optical field with COF is symmetric , but it is a symmetry-founding process in the case of PCF .

  25. 同时对实体公共空间和信息网络的虚体公共空间的结合方法、基本模式进行了探讨,为信息化的公共空间互动环境设计提供一种预见性的探索。

    At the same time , public space union method , basic pattern have carried out investigation and discussion on public space of entity and the information network virtual the body , the interactive environment of space has designed the exploration providing one kind of prevision for information commonality .

  26. 从而,确定了该虚轴机床在空间中X、Y、Z三个方向的运动范围。

    Thus , the range of movement of the imaginary axle machine tool in X , Y , Z three directions is determined in space .

  27. 为了从理论上进一步验证虚轴机床作业空间的分析结果,运用Matlab软件对虚轴机床的作业空间进行了计算仿真。

    In order to test and verify analytical result of imaginary axle machine tool on theory , matlab software is applied to simulate working space of imaginary axle machine tool .

  28. 电子复自能的虚部给出了空间和角度相关的微分倒数非弹性平均自由程(DIIMFP)。

    The imaginary part of the complex self energy of electron provides spatial and angular dependent differential inverse inelastic mean free path ( DIIMFP ) .

  29. 三自由度虚轴机床作业空间研究

    Research on Working Space of Virtual Axle Machine Tool With Three Degrees of Freedom

  30. 虚体要素&空间;

    2 , dummy key element & Space ;