
xū kōng
  • vacant space;hollow;void
虚空 [xū kōng]
  • [hollow] 心中无着落

虚空[xū kōng]
  1. 黎明的虚空/承载住我的灵魂/就像瓶中盛着水

    The hollow of morning / holds my soul still / as water in a jar

  2. 然而,当她偶然听到朋友们议论她年龄如此大还不结婚时,她感觉到内心很虚空。这是因为,她的真自我长期处于被压抑的状态,致使她失去了面对现实的能力。

    However , when she overheard friends ' gossiping on her not getting married at such an old age , she felt " hollow " inside because her repressed " inner self " has deprived her of the ability to face the reality .

  3. 沃尔待·B·耶和华独处虚空,他能做的事只有一件。

    Walter B.Jehovah was alone in the void and there was only one thing he could do .

  4. 你可以简单地使用BSP来制止它们掉入虚空。

    You simply have to stop them from falling off into the void with more BSP .

  5. 企业资本虚空的成因及治理对策

    On the Causes of and Solutions to Void Capital of Enterprises

  6. 空性,或虚空,是空去主体-客体的关系。

    Shunyata , or emptiness , is empty of subject-object relationship .

  7. 我忘记教电脑识别这种虚空状态了。

    I never taught the computer how to read empty space .

  8. 试论乡村教育的错位与乡村建设主体的虚空

    On the Rural Education Dislocation and Void of Rural Construction Subject

  9. 他的诗大多嗟叹人生的虚空。

    Many of his poems are about the pointlessness of life .

  10. 寂静的虚空里诞生了神秘的东西。

    Something mysterious is formed , born in the silent void .

  11. 暗魔是一种来自虚空的深黑色恶魔。

    Fiends of Darkness are coal-black demons summoned from the void .

  12. 当我们期望或依赖一些东西,感觉是虚空的;

    When we expect or demand something , the getting feels empty ;

  13. 传道者说,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空。

    Vanity of vanities , saith the preacher ; all is vanity .

  14. 这是虚空,也是捕风。

    Surely this also is vanity and vexation of spirit .

  15. 不要让凯萨督姆巨大的虚空占据你的心。

    Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dum fill your heart .

  16. 他的手痉挛,握着的是虚空。

    His hands contract convulsively , they close , and grasp nothingness .

  17. 每个虚空守护技能只能触发一次虚空防护效果。

    Nether Protection can only occur once per Nether Ward .

  18. 不要因见不到我而感觉虚空。

    Please don 't feel empty because you can 't see me .

  19. 清凉饮料发现了虚空,布拉迪斯拉发地区。

    Cool energy drink spotted in the nether-regions of Bratislava .

  20. 跟泰勒船长接任务“虚空世界的恶魔”。

    From Captain Taylor , accept Fiends from the Netherworld .

  21. 虚空行者:每4秒回复3%生命值。

    Voidwalker : Restores 3 % of total health every 4 sec .

  22. 我心里说,这也是虚空。

    Then I said in my heart , that this also is vanity .

  23. 这也是虚空,也是大患!

    This too is meaningless and a great misfortune .

  24. 这些暗色素扮演着空无(虚空)保管者的角色。

    Such dark pigment plays the role of the keeper of the void .

  25. 恒星际空间根本不是人们凭空想象的虚空。

    The space between the stars is not some mythical void at all .

  26. 这也是虚空,是极重的劳苦。

    This is also vanity , yea , it is a sore travail .

  27. 你创造世人,要使他们归何等的虚空呢?

    For what futility you have created all men !

  28. 他的飞船溜进黑黝黝的虚空里。

    His ship slunk off into the inky void .

  29. 感觉上我只是在把文字传到这片巨大的虚空之中

    I feel like I 'm just sending things into this giant void .

  30. 你们很美,但你们是虚空的。

    " you are beautiful , but you are empty ," he went on .