
  • 网络crewe;Crew;krewe;Crewe Alexandra;Clu
  1. 我们在克鲁换的车。

    We changed at Crewe .

  2. 排名第三的巴尼特队以0–3的比分在克鲁遭遇惨败。

    Third-placed Barnet were humbled 3-0 at Crewe .

  3. 英国ProfileBooks出版社主任编辑丹尼尔•克鲁(DanielCrewe)表示,他对当前商业图书的表现非常满意。

    Daniel Crewe , editorial director at Profile Books in the UK , says he is pretty happy with the current performance of business books .

  4. 8月,包括诺德斯道姆公司、J.克鲁集团公司在内的其他四个被告同意出资125万美元设立基金来监督西潘工厂的工作条件,以此解决向他们提出的索赔要求。

    In August , four other defendants in that suit , including Nordstrom Inc. and J. Crew Group Inc. , agreed to settle the claims against them by establishing a $ 1.25 million fund to monitor working conditions of their Saipan workplaces .

  5. 莱斯维茨(Laithwaites)的里奥哈(Rioja)供应商戈麦斯•克鲁扎多(GomezCruzado)在布尔果斯(Burgos)旁边一个法定产区(DO)的私人特酿,以阿尔比利亚(Albillo)为主调配而成。

    Special personal project of the winemakers at Laithwaite 's Rioja supplier Gomez Cruzado in a DO near Burgos . Field blend that is mainly Albillo .

  6. 但克鲁认为,harpercollins加大了这个领域的活动,它重新恢复了对商业图书的信心。

    But Mr Crewe sees , for example , HarperCollins stepping up its activity in this area again , its faith in business books restored .

  7. 在靠近固体壁几个气体分子自由程的区域(克鲁曾Knudsen层)内,通常解玻耳兹曼方程式所用的恩一查(Enskog-Chapman)方法已不适用。

    The usual Enskog-Chapman method of solution of the Boltzmann equation is inadequate in the Knudsen layer , a region adjacent to the solid wall with the thick of a few mean free paths of the gas molecules .

  8. 克鲁正在为后半时努力。

    And Crewe has struggled thus far in the second half .

  9. 克鲁先生笑了,可他并不高兴。

    Mr Crewe smiled , but he was not happy .

  10. 拉尔夫•克鲁和他的小女儿萨拉一起生活在印度。

    Ralph Crewe lives in India , with his little daughter Sara .

  11. 看上去又是克鲁进攻的信息。

    That looked like a message to Crewe from his offensive line .

  12. 你的克鲁岛高尔夫球场完蛋了。

    Your krewe Island Golf Resort is dead and gone .

  13. 他得在克鲁迅速换车。

    He had to make a quick change at crewe .

  14. 那幢大楼如果倒塌的话,克鲁在九泉之下也会震惊的。

    Crewe would turn in his grave if that building came down .

  15. 这些是高级长官哈里,思塔佛,克鲁。

    And these are senior officers haley , stafford , and collum .

  16. 克鲁把球中传给了迪肯莫斯。

    Crewe dumps it over the middle to deacon moss .

  17. 克鲁岛,我亲爱的阿黛尔继承的遗产。

    Krewe island , legacy to my sweet adele .

  18. 在克鲁换(火)车到斯托克波特去。

    Change ( trains ) at Crewe for Stockport .

  19. 今天克鲁犯的第一个错误。

    The first mistake crewe 's made all day .

  20. 在本应是一个美好的春天开放克鲁岛。

    Opened krewe island on what should have been a glorious spring day .

  21. 我靠,那是保罗克鲁吗?

    Holy shit , is that Paul crewe ?

  22. 你说他下个月会参加克鲁岛的比赛吗?

    You say he 's been invited to play at krewe island next month ?

  23. 克鲁上尉回答道,更紧地拥着她,并向下看着她的脸。

    Captain Crewe answered , holding her closer and looking down into her face .

  24. 如果是地震,你得在克鲁岛多赛几场。

    For an earthquake , you 'd have to play many more tournaments at krewe island .

  25. 在克鲁换车到斯托克波特去。

    Change at Crewe for Stockport .

  26. 其中两位成员盖瑞克兰兹及安克鲁夫正参与肺脏的研究。

    Two members of the department , Gary Krenz and Anne clough , participate in pulmonary research .

  27. 不过在星期六1:0战胜克鲁的比赛中,昵称“打孔机”的帕莱塔和比利-琼斯对抗激烈。

    But in the1-0 win at Crewe on Saturday Paletta-nicknamed The Drill-levelled Billy Jones with a bone-crunching challenge .

  28. 这个年轻人在星期六对克鲁的比赛中攻入制胜球,并在锋线搭档罗比-福勒旁表现令人印象深刻。

    The Wirral youngster struck the winner in Saturday 's victory over Crewe and impressed alongside strike-partner Robbie Fowler .

  29. 针对这一趋势,宾利将其在英格兰克鲁的工厂两个生产班次减掉了一个。

    In response , the company cut one of the two shifts at its plant in Crewe , England .

  30. 还是有人有钱的,内斯卡路萨,我保证他们会了解克鲁倒的。

    There 's still people with money , neskaloosa , and I 'm gonna make sure they know about krewe .