
kè fú ɡuān liáo zhǔ yì
  • get rid of bureaucracy
  1. 在我们这样大的国家里,有少数人闹事,并不值得大惊小怪,倒是足以帮助我们克服官僚主义。

    In a large country like ours , there is nothing to get alarmed about if small numbers of people create disturbances ; on the contrary , such disturbances will help us get rid of bureaucracy .

  2. 第二个目标是克服官僚主义,提高工作效率。

    The second objective of political structural reform is to eliminate bureaucratism and increase efficiency .

  3. 因此,贯彻群众路线,克服官僚主义,也必须是一个长时期的斗争。

    Therefore , carrying out the mass line and overcoming bureaucratism invariably involve a long-term struggle .

  4. 提高效率,克服官僚主义,包括精简机构,还包括其他许多内容。

    Increasing efficiency and eliminating bureaucratism include , among other things , streamlining party and government organs .

  5. 在管理方法上,当前要特别注意克服官僚主义。

    So far as methods of management are concerned , we should lay particular stress on overcoming bureaucratism .

  6. 改变领导方式,坚持领导就是服务是克服官僚主义的一条重要途径。

    The change of the method of leadership and the persistence of leadership is service is an important way to overcome bureaucracy .

  7. 但是这种事件发生以后,又可以促使我们接受教训,克服官僚主义,教育干部和群众。

    But when disturbances do occur , they enable us to learn lessons , to overcome bureaucracy and to educate the cadres and the masses .

  8. 本文从经济发展需要、审计事业发展、克服官僚主义等六方面论述了我国实行政府效益审计的必要性,并提出了开展政府效益审计的七大对策。

    This paper first analyses the necessity of government benefit audit from such aspects as economic development , audit development , anti-bureaucracy ; and then puts forward some counter-measures .

  9. 从现实历史条件下的国情出发,提出防治官僚主义的的综合措施,为克服官僚主义提供参考性对策建议。

    From a realistic historical context and national conditions and put forward a comprehensive prevention and control bureaucratic measures with a view to overcome the bureaucracy and provide a reference of countermeasures and proposals .

  10. 显然,其思想作风和工作作风对于当前转变党的作风、克服官僚主义和主观主义以及教条主义和形式主义具有重要价值。

    The significant practical implications of learning his style of investigation in terms of changing the overall styles of the Party , and overcoming bureaucracy , subjectivism , dogmatism , as well as formalism .

  11. 只有从建立有限政府、健全权力制约、精简机构、完善公务员制度等几个方面加强制度建设,我们才能逐步地克服官僚主义。

    Only by strengthening the system construction from the establishment of limited government , the perfection of authority restriction , the simplification of administration , the consummation of the civil service regulations and so on , can we gradually overcome the bureaucratism .

  12. 在当前尤其要在克服形式主义和官僚主义上有新的对策。

    At present , what more important is that new measures should be taken to overcome formism and bureaucracy .

  13. 克服形式主义,官僚主义,把精力真正集中到研究和解决实际问题上来。

    Overcome any tendency to engage in formalism or bureaucracy and concentrate on the study and solution of actual problems .

  14. 真正了不起的是它克服四肢不全的方法。在管理方法上,当前要特别注意克服官僚主义。

    The remarkable thing was the way he compensated for his missing appendage . So far as methods of management are concerned , we should lay particular stress on overcoming bureaucratism .