
  • 网络parasitic coupling
  1. 此外,考虑多根互连线间的寄生耦合效应,还建立了多互连线耦合的RLC随机模型。

    Furthermore , considering the parasitic coupling effect of multi-interconnects , the stochastic model for multi-interconnects is established .

  2. 像素信号的精确平衡差分输出,也使通过电源线、衬底或其它寄生耦合到信号路径的噪声干扰,特别是数字相关的开关噪声得到有效抑制。

    Differential processing of pixels signal are also useful for the suppression of noises from supply rails , substrate and digital switches .

  3. 本文设计了用于光纤寄生偏振耦合测试系统(PCA)的偏振棱镜。

    A polarizing prism was designed for distributed polarization coupling analyzer ( DPCA ) .

  4. 提出一种在光纤寄生偏振耦合测试仪(DPCA)中调整光束偏振态的方法。

    We present a optimized scheme for adjusting the polarization state of distributed polarization coupling analyser ( DPCA ) .

  5. 基于白光干涉的分布式偏振耦合测试系统本文设计了用于光纤寄生偏振耦合测试系统(DPCA)中的偏振棱镜。

    Distributed Polarization Coupling Analyzer based on White Light Interferometry A polarizing prism was designed for distributed polarization coupling analyzer ( DPCA ) .

  6. 采用小波变换方法对分布式寄生偏振耦合测试仪(DPCA)采样数据进行滤波除噪。

    In the processing of the data sampled by the distributed polarization coupling analyzer ( DPCA ) wavelet-transform was applied to reduce the noise .

  7. 差分开关的控制信号会通过晶体管的寄生电容耦合到输出,从而影响DAC的动态性能,设计中通过降低控制信号电压的方法来解决这个问题。

    The control signals couple through the capacitance of the switches to the output , the dynamic error caused by the parasitic gate – drain feedthrough capacitance is significantly lowered by the use of a reduced voltage swing at the input of the switches .

  8. 光纤寄生偏振耦合白光干涉仪光学系统设计基于白光干涉的分布式偏振耦合测试系统

    Research of Optical System in Fiber Polarization Coupling Analyzer Based on White-light Interferometry

  9. 基于白光干涉原理,通过麦克尔逊干涉仪的光程补偿作用,检测保偏光纤空间分布寄生偏振耦合强度和耦合点位置。

    The space distributed parasitic polarization coupling intensity and coupling point position in polarization maintaining fiber is measured by using optical path compensation ability of Michelson interferometer based on white light interferometry .

  10. 为了研究厚度剪切模态和寄生模态的耦合情况,我们计算了基频和三阶泛音厚度剪切振动的频谱关系。

    In order to study the couplings and interactions between thickness-shear and spurious modes , we have calculated frequency spectra in the vicinity of fundamental thickness-shear and third-order overtone modes .

  11. 在分析带有寄生参数的差模等效电路的基础上,进行了仿真研究。结果表明,利用寄生参数的互感耦合使得EMI电源滤波器的高频性能有所改善。

    The simulative study based on DM equivalent circuit analysis shows that , the mutual inductance coupling between equivalent parasitic parameters does improve the highfrequency performance of EMI filters .