
  • 网络Clement;Clemens
  1. 叫克莱门和雷根斯,别弄那个屋顶了。

    Take Clemens and Rodriguez off of roofing .

  2. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,克里将重启和谈列为首要任务。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports Kerry has made this a top priority .

  3. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,美国表示俄罗斯还有其他的方法。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports the US says Russia has another way out .

  4. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,克里试图促成俄罗斯与乌克兰的直接对话。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports Kerry is trying to get talks started between Russia and Ukraine .

  5. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,联合国呼吁达成更持久的停火协议。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports the UN is calling for a more durable and lasting cease-fire .

  6. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,一些国会成员对此感到很愤怒,并质问责任在哪里。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports some members of congress are furious and now asking where is the accountability .

  7. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,谈判人员解决伊朗核项目的最后期限是11月24日。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports negotiators are facing November 24th deadline to deal with the countries ' nuclear program .

  8. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,协议文本必须要经过聚集在喀布尔的长老团的同意。

    NPR 's Michelle Kelemen reports the text of the deal must to be approved by council of elders gathering in Kabul .

  9. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,白宫在批评炮击时,几乎就要指责以色列了。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen says while the White House is critical of the shelling , it stops short of blaming Israel .

  10. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,美国将推动另一项外交努力,试图避免俄罗斯吞并乌克兰的克里米亚半岛。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports US is also making another diplomatic push , trying preventing Russian possible annexation of Ukraine 's Crimean Peninsula .

  11. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,欧盟警告要实施一些有针对性的制裁措施,试图促使乌克兰政府与反对派进行协商。

    NPR ' Michele Kelemen reports the Europe Union is threatening some targeting sanctions to try to press the government to negotiate with the opposition .

  12. 克莱门:但是就接下来会发生什么存在疑问。

    KELEMEN : But there are questions about what comes next .

  13. 人的心,能想到的一切,它都可以被实现。(克莱门史东)

    Whatever the mind of man can conceive , it can achieve .

  14. 克莱门,你觉得你真能照顾好孩子?

    Clem , do you really think you could take care of a kid ?

  15. 克莱门:他表示,法国将为叙利亚反对派提供武器并对他们进行训练。

    KELEMEN : France , he says , is arming and training Syrian rebels .

  16. 克莱门:近几年法国参与了对抗北非极端组织的行动。

    KELEMEN : France has fought extremist groups in North Africa in recent years .

  17. 这张图拍摄于九十年代中期,来自名为克莱门的美国宇宙飞船。

    this image is from the mid 90s , from the American spacecraft called Clementine .

  18. 克莱门:美国再次提醒美国民众不要去朝鲜旅游。

    KELEMEN : The U.S. is again reminding Americans not to travel to North Korea .

  19. 这当中也包括美国国家航空航天局太空飞船克莱门号在1994年拍摄的月亮照片。

    These included pictures from the NASA spaceship Clementine which photographed the moon in 1994 .

  20. 真的克莱门在哪儿?

    Where 's the real clementine ?

  21. 不像早些时候的月球探测,嗯,克莱门飞船并没有仅仅沿着月球的轨道。

    Um ... unlike earlier lunar missions , Clementine didn 't orbit only around the moon 's equator .

  22. 克莱门:这个发出威胁的组织吸引了数千名外国武装分子的加入,其中就包括来自法国的武装分子。

    KELEMEN : Threatened by a group that has drawn in thousands of foreign fighters , including from France .

  23. 对于这两首曲调,克莱门和提洛尔,做出两个不同种类的打击伴奏。

    For each of these two tunes , Clementine and Tyrol , make two different kinds of percussion accompaniments .

  24. 克莱门:法国国防部长表示,唯一可行的策略就是支持叙利亚的温和反对派。

    KELEMEN : The only possible strategy , the French defense minister says , is to support the moderate opposition .

  25. 克莱门:所以她表示,她仍希望美国鼓励俄罗斯参加这一峰会。

    KELEMEN : So , she says , she 's still hoping the U.S. will encourage Russia to take part .

  26. 我记得乔在打铁时,总喜欢断断续续地哼一首歌,歌中的叠句反复唱着“老克莱门”。

    There was a song Joe used to hum fragments of at the forge , of which the burden was Old Clem .

  27. 克莱门:他表示,地区力量要在谈判桌上解决他们的分歧,而不是动用武器。

    KELEMEN : And he says regional powers need to settle their differences at the negotiating table , rather than through gun-wielding proxies .

  28. 克莱门:裴俊浩是韩裔美籍传教士,他于2012年前往朝鲜旅行时被捕。

    KELEMEN : Bae is a Korean-American missionary , who was leading a tour to North Korea when he was arrested in 2012 .

  29. 克莱门:美联社的一名记者拍下了美国政府提供的客机出现在平壤停机坪的图片,这是很罕见的。

    KELEMEN : An Associated Press photographer took a picture of a U.S. government passenger-plane on the tarmac in Pyongyang , a rare sight .

  30. 克莱门:发表以上讲话的是前英国官员礼萨·阿夫沙,他现在在为叙利亚反对派提供建议的独立外交组织工作。

    KELEMEN : That 's Reza Afshar , a former British official now with the Independent Diplomat , a group that 's been advising the Syrian opposition .