
  • 网络Virtual Item;Virtual Goods;virtual assets
  1. 提出了基于改进BP算法的个性化网络游戏中虚拟物品推荐系统。

    Personalized virtual item recommendation system based on modified BP .

  2. 基于SOA技术的虚拟物品交易平台与网络游戏对接系统的实现

    The Linking Implementation of the Trading Platform of Good Hope Virtual Goods and the Internet Game Based on the SOA Technology

  3. 基于XML的虚拟物品供应平台的研究和实现

    Research on and Realization of Supply System for Virtual Production based on XML

  4. 用户正付出越来越多的真金白银,购买Facebook平台上应用程序提供的虚拟物品和信用币。

    Users are increasingly spending real money buying virtual goods and credits on the applications that run on Facebook 's platform .

  5. 和大部分成功的移动游戏一样,尽管《精灵宝可梦Go》是免费的,但它让玩家可以花几美元购买虚拟物品,加速升级过程。

    Like the most successful mobile games , while " Pok é mon Go " is free to play , it gives players opportunities to buy virtual items for a few dollars to speed up their progress .

  6. 通过将游戏玩家需求特征、网络游戏特征和网络游戏虚拟物品特征分类、量化分析,建立了基于QFD及改进BP算法的网络游戏个性化推荐系统。

    Trial version of recommendation system in lab is built based on the classification of game , gamer and virtual items by the using QFD and BP neural network .

  7. 自动虚拟物品交易平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Automatic Trading Platform of Virtual Goods

  8. 一个网络游戏中虚拟物品的安全交易平台

    A Secure Trade Platform for Virtual Property in Online Games

  9. 虚拟物品在法律上的认定及其保护

    Virtual Product at Juridical Affirm and Protect

  10. 看样子,女士们都争相购买粉红拖拉机或紫色奶牛之类的虚拟物品。

    Apparently women rush to buy virtual items such as pink tractors or purple cows .

  11. 凯恩先生讲道,2006年的虚拟物品的交易额达到了10亿美元。

    Mr Kane says the value of virtual items traded hit $ 1 billion in 2006 .

  12. 他说,中国很多游戏玩家已经习惯于在质量不那么尽如人意的游戏中购买虚拟物品。

    He said many Chinese gamers have grown accustomed to buying virtual goods in lower-quality games .

  13. 所有这些游戏基本上都是免费的,但玩家可以购买虚拟物品及其他额外的功能。

    Those games are basically free , but players pay for virtual items and other additional features .

  14. 在中国,游戏公司的收入主要来自玩家为游戏里的虚拟物品或游戏时间支付的费用。

    In China , revenues are generated mainly by paying for in-game virtual items or for playing time .

  15. 虚拟物品可以交易转换成真正的货币,这也罪犯们赚钱的机会。

    But virtual items can be sold easily for real money , making it a lucrative opportunity for criminals .

  16. 专门买卖游戏中所使用的虚拟物品如刀剑好动物等的黑市应运而生,而且生意兴隆。

    A thriving black market for virtual goods to use in the game , such as swords and animals , has emerged .

  17. 鼹鼠庄园产生收入靠卖游戏卡&用来购买虚拟物品和产物如娃娃、玩具和书籍。

    Mole Manor generates revenue by selling game cards-used to purchase virtual items and spin-offs such as dolls , toys , and books .

  18. 而网络游戏中玩家的虚拟物品交易行为类型受交易方式的影响,主要包括:协商、合作、赠送三种。

    With these trading patterns , online game players in the virtual items trading behavior type mainly including : negotiation , cooperation , and present .

  19. 这是因为增强现实技术的仿真度要相对低些,人们可以获得真实的感官体验,还包括虚拟物品。这大大增强了技术的实用性。

    Being less immersive - you can actually see the world around you , as well as virtual objects - makes AR much more practical .

  20. 世界其它国家的政府和司法部门也在努力解决如何监管网络经济的问题。目前,网络经济已催生出以虚拟物品和货币交换现金的大规模交易,交易额达到数百万美元。

    Governments and judiciaries elsewhere are also struggling to decide how to regulate online economies that have spawned multi-million dollar businesses trading virtual items and currencies for hard cash .

  21. 现在,它则被视为一股文化力量,既可以点燃爱的火花,也可以破坏婚姻,甚至催生“血汗工厂”,以满足虚拟物品的黑市交易需求。

    Now it is seen as a cultural force that sparks love affairs , breaks marriages and creates " sweat shops " to satisfy a black market in virtual goods .

  22. 如果你想证明你的竞技场实力,或者仅仅是希望获得一个虚拟物品的奖励,那么敬请关注我们下周会提供的更多细节,并注册参与本次大赛!

    If you would like to demonstrate your arena prowess , or simply want a chance to earn the exclusive loot , please check back next week for more details and register !

  23. 只要是玩过或者听说过在线多人游戏的,都知道打金者他们把游戏里的金币卖给那些懒得打金的游戏玩家,金币可用来购买游戏里的虚拟物品。

    Anyone who 's played or heard of online multiplayer games knows about gold farming - where people sell sums of in-game money to lazy people who want to buy imaginary horses .

  24. 绝大部分游戏营收——无论是智能手机游戏还是电脑游戏——来自于游戏中的额外消费,比如用户花钱购买虚拟物品,如战斗游戏中的新武器。

    The vast majority of gaming revenues - whether on smartphones or PCs - comes from in-game add-ons , where users can pay for virtual perks such as new weapons in combat games .

  25. 但是,消费者是现在更多使用在网上游戏购买虚拟物品和下载一些像歌曲和视频的资料,而在行为方面的这变化能有益于贝宝。

    But consumers are now much more used to the idea of buying virtual goods in online games and downloading content like songs and videos , and this change in behavior could benefit PayPal .

  26. 与此同时,与之相关的产业也随之萌发并蓬勃发展,其中,除了传统的游戏周边产品市场的发展外,虚拟物品的真实货币交易也随之出现,甚至出现了专门以游戏为生的人群。

    At the same time , the peripheral industries were emerged and had a vigorous development . Not only the traditional peripheral products , but also the trade in virtual goods with real currency were appeared .

  27. 但随之而来的是,与网络有关的问题和纠纷不断发生,特别是玩家在游戏中的虚拟物品和虚拟货币的丢失和因交易而引起的纠纷更是呈出不穷,已经引起人们的广泛关注。

    However , subsequently , problems and disputes related with networks have occurred frequently , especially the loss of virtual goods and money that gamers accumulate in the games as well as the disputes arising from trades .

  28. 而网络游戏厂商因为网络游戏的产品结构以及生命周期特点选择虚拟物品与增值模式,即所谓的免费模式为主要的盈利手段。

    Due to the characteristics of product configuration and life cycle of online games , these companies chose virtual product and value-added patterns , which is so-called ' free ' pattern , as the key profit pattern .

  29. 虚拟物品主要包括玩家在游戏中使用的宝物、武器等,是游戏玩家通过游戏所得,玩家有支配、占有、使用的权利。

    Virtual items mainly include the use of players in the game of " treasures ", " weapons " and so on , the game player through the game proceeds , players are dominating the possession , use of rights .

  30. 游戏与真实世界相结合的本质还给Niantic提供了另一个奇妙的盈利机会,即向快餐店、咖啡馆和其他零售场所收费,让其成为赞助机构,鼓励玩家去这些地方获取虚拟物品。

    The game 's real-world nature also gives Niantic another intriguing moneymaking possibility , by charging fast-food restaurants , coffee shops and other retail establishments to become sponsored locations where people are motivated to go to pick up virtual loot .