
hēi bǎn bào
  • blackboard newspaper
黑板报 [hēi bǎn bào]
  • [blackboard newspaper] 写在黑板上的宣传性或知识性的小型报栏

  1. 他在学校是宣传委员,负责出每期的黑板报。

    He is in charge of a publication in the school , and is responsible for a blackboard newspaper .

  2. 在方式上,上海郊区还结合自身的特点,建立文化馆、农村剧团、农村俱乐部,成立读报组、农民业余学校,办黑板报、展览会等非党组织宣传形式。

    As for the methods , the suburbs of Shanghai establish cultural centers , rural theaters , rural clubs , newspaper-reading groups , amateur farmer schools , blackboard newspaper , exhibitions and other non-party forms of propaganda with its own characteristics .

  3. 文字宣传包括报纸、小报、传单、黑板报和标语等。

    Literal propaganda included newspapers , flyers , bulletin boards and posters .

  4. 学生们在出黑板报。

    The students were working on the wallnewspapers .

  5. 一大清早,便到了学校,在学校里,同学们出黑板报、画画;

    Early in the morning , we go to school , at school , some students out of bulletin boards and painting ;

  6. 如果我当上了文娱委员,我一定会精心设计每一期黑板报,做得与众不同。

    If I became a member of the Civic , I would certainly be carefully designed each phase of blackboard , doing different .

  7. 结果:农村社区目前可得到的传播媒介有电视、广播、小册子、医生培训、黑板报、宣传画等。

    RESULT TV , Broadcast , Newspaper , Journal , Pamphlet , Doctor training , Blackboard and Graphic etc are the reach - media in country community .

  8. 因为他的字也写得很好,所以老师把我跟他排在同座,目的是要我们俩个一起定期为班级和学校出黑板报。

    The teacher put us together because we both had great handwriting and she wanted us to put together a class bulletin every once in a while on the chalkboard .

  9. 其他干预包括分发营养知识小册子、由受过培训的教师进行课堂讲授、张贴图画、学生营养知识作文及骨干学生制作黑板报等。

    Other interventions included dispatching nutrition knowledge brochures , classroom-based teaching conducted by trained teachers , putting up pictures , writing composition on nutrition by pupils themselves and blackboard propaganda by core pupils etc.

  10. 开始他利用下课的时间给我讲解老师刚上完的内容,后来他干脆用递纸条的方式在上课时给我讲解,再后来还利用出黑板报剩下的时间讲。

    At first he took time after class to explain what my teacher had taught in class , then he simply passed me notes as a way to explain to me the content in class .

  11. 通过图片、发放各种宣传册、办黑板报、定期开展糖尿病教育讲座等形式,对糖尿病患者进行心理、药物、饮食、运动、出院指导,使患者从被动接受治疗护理转变为主动采取措施预防并发症。

    Diabetic guidance in psychology , medicine , diet , sports and hospital discharge can be conducted in the following way : pictures , booklets and pamphlets , blackboard newspapers and regular lectures on diabetes , etc.

  12. 通过五年多来组织学生出组织学与胚胎学专业黑板报,并以不记名问卷调查的方式收集学生反馈意见,笔者认为专业黑板报形式灵活多样,是一种很好的隐性教学工具。

    In the past 5 years , we led students to make full use of the histology and embryology professional blackboard , and the feedback messages strongly suggest that the professional newspaper is a flexible and good tool of recessive education .

  13. 为活跃罪犯的生活,教育改造罪犯,中国的监狱、劳改场所办有三报:劳改报、黑板报、墙报。

    As part of the effort to educate and reform criminals as well as to enliven their daily lives , China 's prisons and reform-through-labour institutions publish " three newspapers ", the Reform-through-labour News , the Blackboard News and the Wall News .

  14. 【结果】原获取知识的途径与乐于接受的传播途径相比较,在广播、杂志、小册子、黑板报和宣传画方面差异存在显著性(P<0.05)。

    Compare the way in which they had got the knowledge with what they would like , there exists a significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) between the two groups in getting the knowledge from radio , magazine , pamphlet , blackboard and picture poster .

  15. 一大清早,我们便到了学校,在学校里,同学们有的出黑板报、画画;有的做贺卡、开主题班会;还有的通过日记、诗歌等形式纷纷表达对祖国妈妈的爱。

    Early in the morning , we go to school , at school , some students out of bulletin boards and painting ; Some do greeting cards , open class meetings with a special theme ; Others through diaries , poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland .