
  • 网络black fruit
  1. 具有浓烈的黑莓黑色水果香味;

    Deep and strong nose of black fruit black berry .

  2. 用鼻子更可闻到黑色水果,薄荷香味和橡木发酵桶香料的气味。

    The nose offers aromas of black fruit , mint , and oak spice from barrel aging .

  3. 李子,红色和黑色水果,太妃糖,巧克力,草药。

    Plum , red and black fruits , toffee , chocolate , herbs .

  4. 口感柔和、宽广、妖娆动人,成熟的黑色水果香气中带有巧克力的味道。

    The big concentration of black mature fruit mixed with a slight touch of chocolate is emphasized .

  5. 高雅的开胃酒,混合了黑色水果的芳香和淡淡的橡木气息。中等容量,后劲较强。

    Medium bodied , elegant , savoury with concentrated dark fruit flavors , subtle oak complexity and great length .

  6. 在口中有相当多的黑色水果,烟熏橡木和烟草的味道,中等酒体。

    I still get a lot of that smoky oak , tobacco . It 's quite medium bodied , quite lean .

  7. 此款酒呈宝石红色;香气纯正、优雅,有明显的黑加仑、青椒以及黑色水果的香气;

    This wine is ruby red with pure elegant fragrance , it has clear taste of black currant and green pepper , aroma of black fruit .

  8. 安的奶奶用她爷爷从纽约码头带回家的水果为她的婚礼烤了一个三层的黑色水果蛋糕。

    Ann 's grandmother used the fruit that Ann 's grandfather brought home from the docks in New York to bake a three-layer dark fruitcake for the wedding .

  9. 丰盈富丽的黑莓及黑醋栗的黑色水果味充斥着味蕾,并滞留于持久光滑的胡椒味结尾中。

    Full , rich fruit flavors of dark berries , whole plum , and blackcurrant fill the palate and hold their flavors through a long and smooth moderately peppery finish .

  10. 在澳大利亚(它在那里被称为设拉子),它酿造出一种完全不同的葡萄酒,黑色水果、巧克力和甘草的香气代替了美味的罗讷河北部香调。

    In Australia , where it is known as Shiraz , it produces an altogether different wine , replacing its savory northern Rh & # 244 ; ne notes with dark fruit , chocolate and licorice .

  11. 黑色的水果,大量的酒精,平滑的糖衣,少量的装饰。

    Dark fruit , plenty of alcohol , very smooth icing , with a small amount of decoration .