
xū gōng
  • virtual work
虚功 [xū gōng]
  • [virtual work] 某一系统发生与其约束相适应的任意假想位移时,力对这一系统所作的功

虚功[xū gōng]
  1. 相耦合的微分-积分方程化成一个求W的积分方程和一个求?的微分式子,然后采用基于虚功原理的差分离散格式,建立了支配方程。

    The integral-differential equation coupled with deflection W and reaction p is turned into an integral equation with W unknown and a difference expression with p unknown , and then the governing equation is obtained by using the difference discrete form based on the principle of virtual work .

  2. 根据虚功原理,提出同时考虑滑移效应、剪力滞及剪切变形效应的组合梁单元及等效节点力向量,编制组合梁梁段有限元程序。

    According to the virtual work principle , the unit stiffness matrix and equivalent nodal force vector of the composite beam were established in consideration of the slip effect , shear lag effect and shear deformation .

  3. 由虚功原理推导J积分守恒

    The Derivation of J-lntegra ! Conservation Law from the Principle of Virtual Work

  4. 根据虚功原理和Galerkin加权残值法,推导了不同场变量情况下的T。

    Using virtual work principle and Galerkin 's weighted residual method , the incremental T.

  5. 本文由力学的普遍原理&虚功原理推导出了三维情况下J积分守恒的一般形式;

    The general form of J-integral conservation law in three dimensions has been derived from the principle of virtual work .

  6. 静止式动态虚功补偿装置中TCR的运行分析

    Analysis of Operation of TCR Used in SVC

  7. 接着,在此基础上导出了率形式的,以Kirchhoff应力率表示的虚功方程。

    Then , virtual work equation in rate form and expressed by Kirchhoff stress is derived .

  8. 应用Hamilton虚功原理,建立了含有压电元件的弹性机构振动主动控制有限元模型。

    The finite element active vibration control model of the flexible linkage mechanisms with piezoelectric elements was given by using mixed Hamilton principle .

  9. 用虚功原理求解管道发生弹性失稳时高速流体的临界流速Vcr

    Critical Velocity Calculation Based on Virtual Work Principle for a High Speed Fluid in a Pipeline of Elastic Instability

  10. 本文由虚功原理建立弹性圆拱的平衡方程,用有限差分法对非线性偏微分方程组进行求解(Park法对时间进行差分)。

    The equilibrium equations of elastic circular arches are established using the principle of virtual work . The nonlinear partial differential equations of motion are solved using a finite difference method ( Park 's method for time difference ) .

  11. 经典质点分析力学有三个转折点,即虚功原理,Legendre变换和变分原理。

    There are three turning points in classical analytical mechanics , those are , the principle of virtual work , Legendre transformation and variational principles .

  12. 采用Lagrange轴向应变的表达式建立了索元轴向应力、应变的的直接关系,并基于Lagrange插值描述的位移模式和虚功原理得到了索元的非线性平衡方程和切线刚度矩阵。

    By means of the virtual displacement principle and the Lagrange expression of the axial strain , the nonlinear finite element formulation has been derived , and this model has been used to compute cable structures .

  13. 本文应用变分形式、虚功原理、Hermite三次元,提出弹性地基梁振动问题的有限元方法。

    With the help of variation method , virtual work principle and cubic hermite element , the author puts forward a finite element method to solve the problem of beam vibration on elastic foundation .

  14. 建立了机构的静力学模型,得到了力与力矩传递矩阵G的解析表达式,并根据虚功原理导出了G与J的关系:G

    The statics equation and the force / moment transmission matrix ' G ' are obtained , then base on the principle of virtual work , the relationship between the two matrix ' G ' and ' J ' is obtained . The Harmony of Strength and Shape

  15. 从UL列式的虚功增量方程和索的悬链线方程出发,建立起了一套完整的对索进行精确分析的非线性有限元法。

    Based on the virtual work increment equation of updated Lagrangian formulation and the catenary equation of cable , that a non-linear Finite Element Method for complete and accurate analysis of cable structure is established .

  16. 基于UL列式的虚功增量方程,根据索的物理及几何特性,推导出了适用于悬索桥缆索几何非线性分析的两节点悬链线索单元。

    Based on the virtual work increment equation of Updated Lagrangian formulation and physics and geometry characteristics of cable , two-node catenary cable element for the geometrical non-linear analysis of suspension bridge 's main cable is developed .

  17. 本文基于UpdatedLagrangian增量叠加方法,采用以现时Kirchhoff应力增量和现时Green应变增量表示的虚功方程和Kirchhoff应力-Green应变的积分本构关系,导出粘弹性大变形的变分方程。

    Based on the updated Lagrangian incremental iteration and using the principle of virtual work denoted by the updated Kirchhoff stress increment tensors and updated Green strain increment tensors and Kirchhoff stress tensors-Green strain tensors integral constitutive relation , the viscoelastic large deformation variational equation is derived .

  18. 本文从虚功原理出发,以胡海昌导出的E、Reissner板弯曲理论归结为求解两个位移函数作为中间变量,推导出三个广义位移和三个广义力表示的边界积分方程。

    This paper presents a new boundary integral formulation involving three generalized forces and three generalized displacements for the Reissner 's plate bending problems . It is derived from the virtual work principle and based on the two displacement functions proposed by IIu Hai & chang .

  19. 其间,导出了其壳体黎曼空间中的Green-Lagrange应变张量和第二类Piola-Kirchhoff应力张量的表达形式,并通过虚功原理,建立了薄壳结构的非线性平衡关系。

    Also derived in the paper are the Green-Lagrange strain tensor and the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor in the Riemann space of the shell . Finally , on the basis of the virtual work , the non-linear equilibrium equations of thin-shell structures are developed .

  20. 应用三节点的索单元离散缆索,通过虚功原理和非线性连续介质力学,得到计算缆索在大变形条件下的非线性刚度阵,通过Newmark法和mN-R法得到缆索的张力.位移关系。

    The non-linear tension-displacement response is calculated by Newmark method and mN-R method after the non-linear stiffness matrix of large deformation cables is derived by the principle of virtual work and non-linear continuous medium mechanics .

  21. 基于法向位移、速度和力建立流固界面边界条件,采用FVM求解积分ALE型无粘流体力学方程组,采用FEM求解虚功原理,得到内爆流场冲击波和壳体应力波的传播过程。

    The displacement , force and velocity were continuous in normal vector and imposed as the boundary conditions between the fluid and shell . FVM was used to discretize the integrated ALE inviscid equations , and FEM was adopted to discretize the virtual work principle in Lagrangian frame .

  22. 从UL列式的虚功增量方程出发,引入索的基本假定,推导出了两节点曲线索单元切线刚度矩阵的显式;

    Based on the virtual work increment equation of updated Lagrangian formulation and the basic assumption of cable , a finite element method with two-node curved cable element for the geometrical non-linear analysis of cable structures is developed and its stiffness matrix is presented .

  23. 利用率形式的虚功原理和考虑弯曲影响的Mindlin曲壳单元,根据塑性变形体积不可压缩的假设,将大变形弹塑性有限元应用于板料成形过程中,建立了接触摩擦模型。

    Based on rate-form virtual work principe , Mindlin shell element and hypothesis that material volume is incompressible in plastic deformation , elasto-plastic finite element of large deformation is introduced into sheet metal forming process , and a contact and friction model is proposed .

  24. 利用一种矩阵的广义标量积,导出6-SPS并联机器人动平台和驱动腿的速度及加速度显式表达式,并运用虚功原理和达朗伯原理建立了动力学模型。

    The expressions of velocity and acceleration of active platform and driving links of the 6-SPS parallel robot are derived by adopting a generalized scalar product for matrix , and the dynamic model is established based on virtual power and d'Alembert theory .

  25. 应用虚功原理建立了SJT2欠驱动仿人假肢手的抓取静力学模型,实现了抓取操作过程中静力分配的仿真计算。

    Based on the virtual power principle , the grasping static model is derived for the SJT2 hand , which is a prototype of EMG controlled underactuated prosthetic hand .

  26. 从非线性应变-位移关系式和弹塑性本构关系出发,基于V.Mises屈服条件和流动法则,采用绝对节点坐标法,用虚功原理建立了作大范围运动弹塑性空间薄板的动力学方程。

    Based on V.Mises yield condition and flow rule , dynamics variational equations for a three-dimensional elasto-plastic plate are established using virtual work principle and absolute nodal coordinate formulation .

  27. 虚功原理与广义坐标

    On the virtual work principle and its expression with generalized coordinates

  28. 本体坐标系中的虚功原理

    The virtual work principle of the system of proprio - coordinate

  29. 微分的阶与虚功原理的充分性

    Orders of differential and sufficiency of the principle of virtual work

  30. 一种基于虚功原理的步进电机快速空载起动转矩选配方法

    A Method of Matching Stepmotor Moment Based on Virtual Work Principle