
  • 网络geometrical equation;geometric equations;strain-displacement relationship
  1. 根据大挠度几何方程推导了单元的弹性和几何刚度矩阵。

    From the Large-deflection geometrical equation , elastic and geometrical stiffness matrixes of the element are derived .

  2. R~2的射丛上一些几何方程不变解

    Invariant Solutions of Some Geometric Equations on Jet Bundle over R ~ 2

  3. 关于方程ф(x)=ф(y)超几何方程的解在函数展开中的应用

    Application of the solutions of the hypergeometric equation to function expansions

  4. 陈至达先生用其创立的S-R理论,建立了壳体有限变形、有限转动的准确几何方程,而以前常用的经典应变张量的近似表达式均为陈先生准确方程的近似。

    The accurate expressions of strain tensors are established by S R theory and all the approximate expressions of strain tensors used before are its corollaries .

  5. 在接触角实验基础上,分别用几何方程、调和方程、YGGF方程计算了TATB、HMX与F2314等四种氟聚合物的相应表面能数据。

    On the basis of contact angle experiments , surface energies of TATB , HMX and four fluor polymers were calculated by geometric equation , harmonic equation and Young Good Girifalco Fowkes ( YGGF ) equation respectively .

  6. 平面应变非线性几何方程的高阶表达式

    The higher order nonlinear geometry formulae of plane strain state

  7. 复合材料任意壳稳定性研究(Ⅰ)&几何方程的新研究

    On the stability of arbitrary composites shells ( I ) geometrical equations

  8. 初始大挠度壳体的几何方程和平衡方程

    Geometric and equilibrium equations of shells with initial large deflection

  9. 超静定桁架中建立变形几何方程的解析法

    Analytic Method of Setting up Deformation Geometry Equations on Statically Indeterminate Truss Problems

  10. 梁单元非线性几何方程的精确表达式

    The Exactly Nonlinear Geometry Formular of Beam Element

  11. 基于工程应变的轴对称塑性大变形几何方程及其应用

    The Geometric Equation for Axial Symmetry Large Plastic Deformation Based on Engineering strain and Its Application

  12. 基于初始缺陷的定义式,推导出有初始缺陷的圆柱壳的几何方程。

    The stress displacement equations of cylindrical shell with initial imperfection are deduced on the basis of definitions of imperfection .

  13. 考虑了任意理想曲面壳体制造偏差的影响,导出了非线性几何方程与平衡方程。

    Considered the influence of manufacturing error and derived the non-linear geometric equation and equilibrium equation for arbitrary ideal carved surface shells .

  14. 以往的鱼雷运动方程由12个微分方程和3个几何方程组成,不便于在仿真中应用。

    Formerly , the torpedo model includes 12 difference equations and 3 geometry equations , and is hard to be used in simulation .

  15. 对于欧拉表达式中的几何方程和连续条件,文中指出应采用合理度量及正确表达式。

    In this paper , the reasonable measures of stress and strain and the right expression of geometric equation and continuity condition are pointed .

  16. 论文还依据卒衡方程、几何方程和物理方程,对处于弹性状态的岩质边坡反分析问题的可辨识性进行了理论推导。

    According to equilibrium equations , geometric equations and constitutive equations , theoretical derivation of identifiability of back analysis was done when slope is in elastic state .

  17. 分析了几何方程弱形式与分片试验的关系,借此分析了杂交元、拟协调元如何满足这些要求,以及在满足这些要求的同时产生的对其他条件的影响;

    Also gives the relationship between weak form of continuity equation and the Patch Test , through which the hybrid element method and quasi conform element method are analyzed .

  18. 构件边界上的应力可由弹性体的边界应力和边界面力的关系,通过物理方程和几何方程求出。

    The stresses at the boundary can be calculated by the physical equation and the geometric equation according to the correlation between the stresses and the traction at the boundary .

  19. 利用非线性几何方程和总势能驻值原理推导了空间梁单元的刚度方程,并由此建立了第一类稳定问题的特征方程。

    The element rigidity equation of spacial beam element was deduced using nonlinear geometric equation and total potential energy with stationary value , and the characteristic equation of the first type stability .

  20. 该公式将嵌岩桩在轴向应力作用下桩体压缩产生的侧向变形看做为有压洞室在周边上产生的径向位移,然后应用平衡、物理和几何方程求解得到。

    The formula regards radio displacement caused by axial stress in pile as that in boundary of pressured round hole , and its derivation is made through equations of equilibrium and compatibility .

  21. 介绍一种新齿形同步带&双螺旋齿同步带,研究双螺旋齿同步带齿的成形原理,并给出齿形的几何方程;

    Introduced the new type synchronous belt & double helix tooth synchronous belt , and analyzed it 's molding principle , and concluded the geometry equation of the mesh of the belt tooth ;

  22. 本文从基本的几何方程和运动方程出发,结合广义虎克定律,研究了四边简支矩形复合材料层合板在受到横向自由振动时的动态层间应力。

    The dynamic interlaminar stresses of rectangular composite material laminated plates with simply supported edges subjected to free vibration are studied beginning from basic geometric and differential equations and connecting with generalized Hooke 's law .

  23. 本文通过在单元几何方程中引入二次项,较为精确地考虑了重力二阶效应对高层结构受力特性的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of gravity second order effect on the mechanical behavior of tall concrete structures was correctly taken into account by introducing the quadratic terms in geometric equations of element .

  24. 从非线性压电方程和几何方程导出了压电层合板合应力、合力矩与应变之间的广义本构关系,这些关系关于电场是非线性的。

    The generalized constitutive relations of resultant stress and resultant moment with strains of piezoelectric laminated plate , which are nonlinear with respect to electric field , are obtained from nonlinear piezoelectric equations and geometric equations .

  25. 从对扁管带式输送机的受力分析入手,通过对系统的物理方程和几何方程的分析推导出扁管带式输送机的连续模型的动力学方程。

    Commencing the mechanics of flat-pipe belt conveyor , the article deduces the dynamic equation of the successive model of flat-pipe belt conveyor through analysis of geometry equation and physics equation of this kind of belt conveyor .

  26. 采用逆解法推导出具有刚体位移和常应变所对应的位移项,且满足平衡方程、几何方程、本构方程等基本控制方程的弹性力学平面问题位移基本解。

    Use contra-solving method , displacement basic formulae of plane elasticity problem are deduced , which contain rigid body displacement and constant strain items as well as satisfied with balance equation , geometry equation and physical equation .

  27. 为了研究复合材料层合板的二次分叉特性,利用能量变分原理和非线性几何方程建立了具有弹性约束的复合材料层合板在面内载荷作用下的非线性稳定性控制方程组。

    In order to study the secondary bifurcation of composite laminated plates , the nonlinear governing equations of composite laminated plates with edges elastically supported against rotation are established by using energy variational principle and nonlinear geometric equations .

  28. 在大变形理论的基础上,给出了空间梁单元的非线性几何方程,阐述了几何非线性结构进行徐变效应分析的原理和方法,并建立了相应的平衡方程。

    Based on the theory of large deformation , the nonlinear geometric equation of three dimensional beam elements is deduced . Then , the computational principle and corresponding formulation of the creep analysis of geometric nonlinear structures are presented .

  29. 在球坐标系下推导出球形孔洞膨胀有限弹塑性变形问题的本构方程及平衡方程的表达式。并利用对数应变,得出几何方程及协调方程和边界条件。

    The expressions of the constitutive equations and the equilibrium equations were deduced in spherical coordinate system . Then the geometry equations , the compatibility equations and the boundary conditions were obtained by the use of the logarithmic strain .

  30. 本文将加肋的水工压力管道看成厚曲梁与柱壳的组合体,考虑肋壳的相互作用,推导了厚曲梁及柱壳的非线性几何方程。

    The penstock with ribs was regarded as the combination of thick curve beams and cylindrical shell . In consideration of the interaction between ribs and shell , the nonlinear geometrical equations for curve beam and cylindrical shell were deduced .