
jī hū
  • almost;nearly;virtually;practically;be as good as;Pretty much;just about;more or less;nigh;well-nigh;pretty well;be pretty nearly;within an ace of;within a trifle of
几乎 [jī hū]
  • (1) [within an ace of;within a trifle of]∶差一点

  • 几乎撞在一根电线杆上

  • (2) [almost;nearly;practically;be as good as;be pretty nearly]∶差不多,接近

  • 他的个儿几乎有两米高

  • 这事他几乎忘了

几乎[jī hū]
  1. 这种爬行动物浑身是刺,几乎所有的捕食者都退避三舍。

    The reptile 's prickly skin repels nearly all of its predators .

  2. 对变革的抵制几乎毁了这个行业。

    Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry .

  3. 此地几乎没有工作可找。

    There just aren 't any jobs going in this area .

  4. 这部小说的情节几乎到了令人无法相信的地步。

    The plot of the novel stretches credulity to the limit .

  5. 几乎没有人能指望一辈子都干一个工作。

    Few people can count on having a job for life .

  6. 听他说行,我几乎不敢相信自己会这么走运。

    I could hardly believe my luck when he said yes .

  7. 他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎完全没用。

    Such advice as he was given has proved almost worthless .

  8. 他挣的钱几乎不够养活他自己和家人。

    He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family .

  9. 他运气好,几乎立刻找到了工作。

    By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately .

  10. 他的财政问题几乎定期成为头条新闻。

    His financial problems hit the headlines with almost metronomic regularity .

  11. 他几乎不费劲儿就取得了决赛权。

    He hardly needed to break sweat to reach the final .

  12. 示威者几乎没有对警察进行任何反抗。

    The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police .

  13. 这种急性大脑传染病几乎总是导致死亡。

    This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal .

  14. 这些产品在没有受过专门训练的人看来几乎一模一样。

    To the untrained eye , the products look remarkably similar .

  15. 过往车辆的轰鸣声使我几乎什么也听不见。

    I could barely hear above the roar of traffic .

  16. 这个物种的雄性和雌性几乎无法分辨。

    The male of the species is almost indistinguishable from the female .

  17. 这书他们几乎没卖出几本。

    They have sold scarcely any copies of the book .

  18. 这次选举对这个党派来说几乎是一场灾难。

    The election proved to be a near disaster for the party .

  19. 这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。

    The pain was almost more than he could bear .

  20. 十年前,这样的想法几乎是难以想象的。

    Such an idea was scarcely thinkable ten years ago .

  21. 她的话怎么想几乎都不像是道歉。

    Her words could hardly be construed as an apology .

  22. 一辆车并排停在路边另一辆车旁,几乎占据了路的中央。

    A car stood double-parked almost in the middle of the road .

  23. 他们灌制的每张激光唱片我几乎都有。

    I 've got practically every CD they 've made .

  24. 他变得我几乎认不出来了。

    He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him .

  25. 她几乎被浓烟呛死。

    She almost choked to death in the thick fumes .

  26. 他看着我点了点头,几乎让人看不出来。

    He looked at me and nodded , almost invisibly .

  27. 当时人们对这种疾病的起因几乎一无所知。

    As yet little was known of the causes of the disease .

  28. 她说话轻得我几乎听不见。

    She spoke so quietly I could hardly hear her .

  29. 她很瘦,几乎到了憔悴的地步。

    She was very thin , almost to the point of emaciation .

  30. 演职人员字幕持续的时间几乎与这部电影一样长!

    The credits seemed to last almost as long as the film !