
  • 网络BT-I;STENCIL;Steel Form
  1. 整体移动式钢模板在沭阳水坡工程中的应用

    Application of Integrally Movable Steel Form in Shuyang Water Slope Project

  2. 三明大桥八面竖曲线桥墩钢模板设计

    Design of steel form for vertical curve octahedral pier of Sanming Bridge

  3. 梁、柱模板采用拼装大块钢模板表面粘贴PVC板;

    Huge spliced steel forms stuck with PVC board were used for concrete pouring of beams and columns .

  4. 30m预应力混凝土T型梁钢模板加工工艺

    Process of Type Steel Beam Mould Plate of 30m Prestressed Force Concrete

  5. 本文以实验为基础,分析研究了(150×600)mm冷轧钢模板的力学性能,设计并完成了矫正钢模板模拟实验,为设计钢模矫形机提供了可靠的力能参数。

    The ( 600 × 1500 ) mm cold rolling steel template mechanics function by experimentation designed is studied in the paper and finished imitation experimentation of proofreading steel template . So we can get trust worthy information from it .

  6. 禹州电厂一期主厂房柱、梁、板等构件均采用清水混凝土施工工艺。梁、柱模板采用拼装大块钢模板表面粘贴PVC板;

    As-cast-finish concrete technology was adopted in the works of columns , beams and floor slabs of main plant of Yu Zhou power plant phase 1.Huge spliced steel forms stuck with PVC board were used for concrete pouring of beams and columns .

  7. 双线桥墩宽达8.8m,若桥墩钢模板设计加固方案不当,墩面混凝土很容易出现波浪形,直接影响混凝土表面平整度技术指标。

    Pier width reach to 8.8m , if the construction scheme is not appropriate , the pier concrete will appear the wave form very easily , and affect evenness degree of the concrete surface .

  8. 大型复杂定型钢模板结构有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of large and complex set-shaped steel formwork structure

  9. 拼装式大钢模板在剪力墙结构中的质量控制措施

    Quality control measures of big assembled steel formwork in shear wall structure

  10. 几种桥梁钢模板简介

    A Brief Introduction to Steel Formworks Used for Bridge Engineering

  11. 整体式弹性钢模板在港口施工中的应用

    The Application of Monolithic Elastic Steel Mould in Practical Construction

  12. 组合钢模板技术规范预制混凝土构件模板技术规程

    Technical code for assembly steel formworks Technical specification for prefabricated concrete products

  13. 玻璃钢模板在现浇混凝土圆柱施工中的应用

    Application of Glass Steel Formwork in cast-in-place Concrete Circular Column

  14. 圆弧形侧模板的车加工整体钢模板的设计与应用

    The Design and the Application of the Overall Steel Formwork

  15. 组合钢模板与脚手架计算机辅助设计系统软件杂多钨酸及其盐对碳钢的缓蚀作用

    AutoCAD System Software of Ganged Steel Formwork and Scaffold Project

  16. 组拼定型大钢模板在工程中的应用

    The application of large set shaped composite steel formwork in the construction

  17. 用于建筑施工的钢模板双向固定调节器

    Bidirectional fixed regulator of steel formwork used in building construction

  18. 氢氧化铝焙烧炉过渡段内衬浇筑钢模板的设计

    Design of inner steel form in transition section of aluminum hydroxide calcinator

  19. 废旧组合钢模板的改造方法和使用效果

    Renovation of Wasted composite steel formwork and its applicability efficiency

  20. 组合大块钢模板的技术经济分析

    Technical and economic analysis of bulk gang steel form

  21. 公路隧道使用大块钢模板台车模筑混凝土衬砌施工技术

    Construction Technique for Molded Concrete Lining with Steel Mold-plate Jumbo of Highway Tunnels

  22. 55型扩大系列组合钢模板施工技术

    The construction technology of 55 type ganged steel formworks

  23. 平板式组件-太阳电池组合钢模板技术规范

    Flat plate module Technical code for assembly steel formworks

  24. 异型钢模板的设计与制作

    The Design and Manufacture of the Special-shaped Steel Formwork

  25. 钢模板在仿古罗马式混凝土花饰柱施工中的应用阿尔勒的古罗马和罗马式建筑

    Steel Formwork Applied to Construction of Ornamental Concrete Column Imitated with Ancient Roman Style

  26. 本文对玻璃钢模板的制作和施工工艺进行了详细的介绍。

    This article introduced the manufacture method and construction technology of glass steel formwork .

  27. 32~、31~泊位码头工程大型整体钢模板的施工设计

    Working Designs for Large Integral Steel Formwork For Construction of No.32 and No.31 Berths

  28. 云南春鹰模板公司是钢模板行业中的国有企业。

    Yunnan Spring Eagle Template Company is a state-owned enterprise in the steel template industry .

  29. 平板玻璃钢模板在国家大剧院圆形柱中应用

    Application of Plate Glass Steel Formwork in Construction of Round Column of National Great Theater

  30. 直圆筒与蜗壳过渡段浇注内衬钢模板的设计

    Die Plate Design for Inside Lining Casting at the Transition of Straight Cylinder and Worm