
  • 网络Steel skeleton plastic composite pipe;steel framed polyethylene plastic pipe
  1. 钢骨架塑料复合管性能分析与方法研究

    The research in capability analysis and means for steel framed polyethylene plastic pipe

  2. 钢骨架塑料复合管是一种将钢丝骨架与高密度聚乙烯塑料有机复合在一起、集钢管与塑料管优点于一身的新型管材。

    Steel framed polyethylene plastic pipe is a kind of new pipe that organically integrate steel wire framed with plastic , which with the virtues of plastic pipe at the same time with the advantages of steel pipe .

  3. 钢骨架塑料复合管长期静液压性能的评定

    Evaluation of the long-term hydrostatic strength of steel reinforced plastics pipe

  4. 钢骨架塑料复合管研制与应用

    Development and application of the plastic pipe with metal frame

  5. 钢骨架塑料复合管及其在冶金企业给排水中的应用

    Steel Frame-Plastic Complex Pipe and Its Application in Water Supply and Drainage of Metallurgic Enterprises

  6. 钢骨架塑料复合管在东海大桥给水工程中的应用

    Application of the Steel Framed HDPE Pipe in the Water Supply Project of the Donghai Bridge

  7. 介绍了钢骨架塑料复合管的生产流程及工艺特点、性能特点及应用领域。

    This paper introduces the production flow , technical features , performance characteristics and application fields of steel skeleton plastic clad pipe .

  8. 对于无法采用牺牲阳极法进行防腐处理的小管径管道,推荐采用钢骨架塑料复合管。

    For small diameter pipelines unable to use the sacrificial anodic protection method , it is recommended to adopt plastic compound pipes with steel skeleton .

  9. 根据钢骨架塑料复合管的性能特点,从电热熔连接、法兰连接、钢塑过滤接头连接介绍了钢骨架塑料复合管的施工工艺,并进行了工程应用分析,阐明了其优良的综合性能。

    According to character of steel skeleton plastic clad pipe , it introduces its construction process from electric melting connection 、 flange connection and metal plastic transition joint connection , application analysis of engineering is done , and indicates its good performance .

  10. 第二章是根据传统的钢丝和塑料的强度理论以及静液压爆破试验、短期静液压强度试验结果,对钢骨架塑料复合管进行强度计算及工作压力的初步确定。

    In chapter 2 , according to the theory of strength of steel wire and plastic along with the result of hydraulic pressure burst test and short-term hydraulic pressure strength test , we calculated the strength of steel framed polyethylene plastic pipe and determined the principial working pressure .

  11. 钢骨架增强塑料复合管的强度与变形分析

    The Intensity and Deformation Analysis of the Plastic Pipe with Steel Frame

  12. 钢骨架增强塑料复合管是一种新型环保管材,对于管材的强度设计和安全使用是工程师们非常关心的问题,由于此类管材开发和应用的时间较短,国家目前还没有发布相关的标准。

    The reinforced composite plastic pipe with steel frame is a new kind of environmental protection tubing and there is no criterion for its intensity design and applied security at present .

  13. 钢骨架增强聚乙烯塑料复合管的应用

    Application Case of Steel Skeleton Reinforced Polyethylene Plastic Composite Pipe for Water Supply

  14. 钢骨架塑料(PE)复合管的安装技术

    Installation Techniques of PE Pipe

  15. 一种新型防腐管材&钢骨架塑料(HDPE)复合管

    A New Type of Corrosion Prevention Pipe-HDPE Composite Pipe Reinforced with Steel Cage