
gāng chǐ
  • steel ruler;steel rule;ruler made of steel
钢尺 [gāng chǐ]
  • [steel rule] 测定火车轮子的周长或直径用的专用卷尺

钢尺[gāng chǐ]
  1. 在野外比长台上50m钢尺检定存在的问题及探讨

    Problems existing in 50 m steel ruler examination field comparator

  2. 文中对在野外比长台上检定50m钢尺中的有关系统误差的统计判定和产生、排除进行了论述。

    This paper discusses the statistical determinant , causing and elimination of the system error of 50 m steel ruler measurement on field comparator .

  3. 设计大范围液位高度实时跟踪测量系统,以CCD摄像机采集的液位和钢尺图像为基础,经过图像处理过程,完成高精度液位测量。

    Complete the large range liquid level real time measuring system designing , through processing the image of ruler and water tube captured from CCD camera to complete the task of high accuracy measurement .

  4. 用钢尺测定公路边线和公路横断面方向的方法

    Method of Highway Side Line and Cross Sections Measure with Steel Tape

  5. 钢尺精密检定技术设计与研究

    Technical design and Research on precise test of steel tape

  6. 基于图像处理的铟钢尺自动检测系统

    Automatic Measurement System of Invar Rods Based on Image Processing

  7. 钢尺用于设计并精确修整直角。

    The steel square is used for laying out and trying up right angles .

  8. 钢尺式收敛计的误差分析

    Error Analysis of the Tape Extensometer

  9. 建筑放样过程中,钢尺的长度会因温度和拉力的变化而改变。

    In setting-out works , length of the steel tape may vary with changes of tensile force and temperature .

  10. 用钢尺做精密量距是土坝纵向水平位移观测的最优观测方法。

    Using steel tapes to measure the distance is the best method for the observation of the horizontal displacement of earth dams .

  11. 二是用吊钢尺法和三角高程测量的方法测定了应县木塔的相对高程。

    The other way is to hang steel tape and by trigonometric leveling method to survey the relative elevation of the pagoda .

  12. 要求自然张口至最大限度,用毫米钢尺测量上下中切牙近中切缘间垂直距离;

    By using millimeter steel ruler to measure the vertical distance between upper , middle and lower incisors near middle incisal margin .

  13. 钢尺用于设计并精确修整直角。步枪被设计用来进行远程精确射击。

    The steel square is used for laying out and trying up right angles . Rifles are designed to be accurate at long distances .

  14. 采用检定钢尺多测回测量法对前期安装的结合段钢梁与后期工厂制作的钢梁进行匹配测量。

    The matching of the late fabricated girder blocks with the early installed steel girder of the composite girder was surveyed by the calibrated steel tapes and multiple observation-set survey method .

  15. 公路工程施工中,公路线形一般由中桩控制,公路宽度是用钢尺自中桩向两侧丈量。

    In the construction of the highway project , the highway line is generally controlled by the middle stakes and the width of highway is measured with a steel ruler from the middle stakes to both sides .

  16. 本文简要介绍了误差理论和数据处理方面的一些必要的知识,如精密度、准确度、系统误差,随机误差等,并对钢尺式收敛计进行了系统、详尽的误差分析。

    The necessary knowledge about the error theory and the data processing such as precision , accuracy , system error , random error , is briefly introduced and the systematical error analysis on tape extensometers is presented .

  17. 针对高层建筑物中封闭构筑物的测量对象和施测环境的特点,介绍一种利用钢尺直接测量封闭构筑物内细部位置的快速方法.该方法在实际工作中有较好的应用价值。

    According to the characteristics of the surveyed objects and the surroundings , a quick and convenient method is introduced by directly using the steel ruler to survey the closed structures , which has been proved very effective .

  18. 钢尺收敛计隧道围岩变形量测由人工拉尺读数,效率低,与施工相互干扰,测量结果容易受人为因素影响。

    Monitoring the convergence of the surrounding rocks of a tunnel , by drawing rulers and manual reading , is rather inefficient . It interferes with construction , and the measured results can be easily influenced by human factors .