
  • 【计】data code
  1. 使用硬件描述语言VHDL对各功能模块进行逻辑和行为描述,最终实现在FPGA中,使其能够完成1553B数据码的接受、发送、转换和与处理器的信息交换等功能。

    This paper uses VHDL to describe the logic and behavior of each functional module in FPGA to implement 1553B code acceptance , send , conversion and information exchange to DSP .

  2. 设计实现了2M数据码速调整和恢复电路,并利用数据平滑技术解决了塞入抖动问题。

    In this paper we design and realize the circuit of 2M positive justification / recovery , and we solve the problem of stuffing jitter by means of utilizing digital smoothing method .

  3. 佳能数码lxus300。数字数据码-用二进制码代表数字

    Canon Digital Ixus 300 . numeric data code

  4. 由于回波信号的估值直接利用二进数据码合成,使运算量比传统的算法减少了3~5倍。

    Since the estimated echo signals are directly derived from the binary data code , the amount of manipulation is reduced by a factor of 3 - 5 compared with conventional manipulation .

  5. 用CPLD技术实现高速数据识别码检测器

    Design of Detecting Device of High-Speed Data Identification Code Using CPLD Technology

  6. HLARTI数据描述码扩展

    A Data Description Code Extension for HLA RTI

  7. 系统数据传输码为非归零码,所以在传输E1数据前,通过CPLD编程和极性转换电路,实现非归零码和HDB3码之间的转换。

    The system data transmission code is NRZ , so in the E1 data transmission , through CPLD programming and polarity circuit to achieve the conversion between the HDB3 code and NRZ .

  8. 多径会使传送的数据产生码间串扰或符号间干扰,带来信道的频率选择性衰落,从而降低了通信的质量。

    Path loss will degrade the transmitted signal power , and multi path will cause inter-symbol-interference and frequency selective fading .

  9. 介质对高速信号的衰减引发了数据的码间干扰,继而造成输入抖动。

    The media attenuates the high-speed data , and bring on inter-symbolic interference and results in input jitter for receiver .

  10. 为此,人们研究了很多种提高监测系统通信可靠性的方法,比如,增加带宽、加大功率、降低噪声、使用数据检错码或数据纠错码等。

    Therefore , many ways to improve the reliability of the monitoring system have been studied , such as enlarging the bandwidth , enhancing the power , reducing the noise , or using the error detecting code and error correcting code , etc.

  11. 在系统的最后一部分,我们按照前面分析结果编写了相应的分析程序实现了对原始数据的码变换和分路处理,最终实现了对G。

    In the last part of the system , according to the above analysis result , the homologous analysis programs were made to carry out the code transformation and dividing disposal of the original data , further more , the decoding of the G.

  12. 目前,对P2P应用流量的识别与检测已形成了成熟产品的技术主要是基于深层数据包特征码匹配。

    At present , commercial products for identifying P2P traffic are mainly based on application-layer signature matching .

  13. 遥测数据处理系统码同步器的仿真及PLD实现

    Simulation of Bit Synchronizer in Telemetry Data Processing System and Its Implementation with PLD

  14. 实际球心的数据可以ASCII码的形式通过一个系列接口传至外部计算机以供进一步分析。

    The actual ball center data can also be sent to an external computer in an ASCII file via a serial port for further analysis .

  15. 利用可逆方阵与数据的ASCII码值相乘进行编码,通过逆阵和编码结果还原原始数据,从而实现用矩阵在VISUALBASIC中给字符串的加密。

    Using invertible square matrix multiply the value of ASCII code of data to realize encrypting ; to reduce initial data through inverting matrix and the result of encoding , so it can be realized by adding cipher for char string in Visual Basic .

  16. 在总的码率限制下,采用遗传算法从有限码率集中选择每组数据的RCPT码码率,使接收端恢复的图像失真最小。

    The genetic algorithms are developed for selecting optimal RCPT codes rates from the finite rates set in order to minimize the end-to-end distortion .

  17. 论文根据AES加密标准,利用加密算法的中间数据生成校验码,以保护用户数据,并进一步验证数据是否在传输过程中遭到篡改,从而提高了用户数据的安全性。

    In the light of the encryption standard AES , and generate a checksum by using AES encryption algorithm , to protect user data and further verify whether the data has been tampered during transmission . It increases security of file data and user data .

  18. 针对在基站采用天线阵列的FDD-CDMA系统下,讨论利用上行链路的接收数据,通过码滤波后的数据协方差矩阵得到某一条路径的等效方向向量。

    For FDD-CDMA systems using antenna array in base station , the paper , which discussed using received data of uplink , obtained an equivalent direction vector of one path by data covariance matrix after code filtering .

  19. 光纤数据网络线路码型分析

    Analysis of line code for optical fiber data network

  20. 指定返回的数据和状态码。

    Specify the returned data and status codes .

  21. GB/T17710-1999数据处理校验码系统

    Data processing & Check character systems

  22. 湖上试验数据差分解码的结果显示了所提方案的有效性,极大地降低了通信系统的误码率。

    Lake experiment results show that the proposed method is effective and feasible , and it can decrease the bit error rate effectively .

  23. 同主题的数据用公共码加以联系,各主题之间以星形模式连接;

    The same subject data combine by the key and the subjects ' relative each other in a form named " Star Schema " .

  24. 为了缩短二进制编码表达的数据特征的码长、减少响应耗时,原型试验中采用实数编码的特征。

    In order to shorten binary coded data features ' code length and cut detection response time , real coded data form was adopted in prototype experiments .

  25. 该方法以单片机为核心,以纯软件的形式在一个芯片上实现数据帧的码同步、曼彻斯特解码、帧同步和数据处理。

    This method is pure software , and the code synchronization , demodulation , frame synchronization and data processing are implemented by the MCU program on one chip .

  26. 随着空间对地观测技术向全谱段、高分辨率、全天候方向的发展,获取的遥感数据量和码速率不断增加。

    With the development of technology in observing the earth from space to full-spectrum , high-resolution and all-weather , the collected remote sensing data and the code rate is mounting .

  27. 根据所收集的数据,语码转换被分成了句间语码转换和句内语码转换并从词类角度分析了蒙古语和汉语间的语码转换分布特征。

    Inter sentential and intra sentential code-switching were both categorized according to the collected data and then the distributional features of Mongolian-Chinese code-switching were analyzed from the perspective of word classes .

  28. 容错组是实现纠错码的存储节点集合,数据经过纠错码编码后保存在容错组相应的存储节点中。

    A fault tolerance group is a set of storage nodes that implement erasure code , and the Identifier of a node correspond to a serial number of the data after encoding .

  29. 这里的非线性均衡主要是由两个线性均衡器组成,一部分直接消除部分码间干扰,另一部分利用先前检测得数据进一步消除码间干扰。

    Here the nonlinear equalizer is formed with a linear filter to remove part of inter symbol interference , followed by a canceller of remaining interference by using the previous detected data .

  30. 直接扩频系统中,在基带信息数据流的码速率较高时,为保证一定的扩频增益,必须采用高速扩频伪码。

    In spread spectrum system , high speed spread spectrum pseudo noise codes are supposed to be adopted to guarantee certain spread spectrum processing gain , in the case that base band information data stream is at rather high speed .