
  • 网络Digital Olympics;Digital Olympic
  1. 以数字奥运为契机的体育信息环境建设研究

    Study on Sports Information Environment under " Digital Olympics "

  2. 解读北京数字奥运新理念

    Interpretation about the New Conception of Beijing Digital Olympics

  3. 方案对传统的一卡通安全机制和IPSec实现方式进行了改进,本项目的成功实施无论是对于2008数字奥运还是对于其它金卡工程都具有广泛的意义。

    IPSec was implemented on a Sports IC system in VPN environment for the first time , and it 's of great benefit to 2008 digital Olympiad and the other IC projects .

  4. 抓住数字奥运机遇,建设数字北京

    Seizing the Digital Olympic Opportunity and Building A Digital Beijing

  5. (四)积极推动“数字奥运”向纵深发展

    Promote in an Active Manner Further Development of " Digital Olympic "

  6. 地理信息与数字奥运

    Geographical Information and Digital Olympic Games

  7. 从实际应用的角度出发,简要介绍了地理信息在数字奥运中的的应用。

    This article introduced the application of geogra phical Informationin Digital Olympic Games from actual use .

  8. 数字奥运和首都信息化

    Digital Olympics Capital Informatization

  9. 以信息化推动现代化&北京的数字奥运建设

    Beijing Digital Olympic Construction

  10. 数字奥运是适应全球进入信息社会,实现科技奥运的系统工程。

    The Digital Olympics is the system project of adaptation to the global information society and achieve ˉ mentofTechnologyOlympics .

  11. 我国航天企业开拓北京数字奥运市场的商机分析

    The Analysis about Business Opportunity of Developing the Market in Beijing " Digital Olympics " by Spaceflight Enterprises of Our Country

  12. 带动产业策略:利用“数字奥运”机遇,带动信息产业发展。

    Strategy for promoting industries : Promote the development of information industry by making use of " Digital Olympics " opportunity .

  13. 这些项目需求,正是引导我国航天企业开发2008年北京数字奥运商机的方向盘和目标市场。

    These programmes are steering wheel and target market leading the spaceflight enterprises of our country to serve for the Digital Olympics .

  14. 完备的城市信息化支撑环境是“数字奥运”成功的根本支撑和保障。

    Sound back-up environment for Beijing 's informatization is the basic support and guarantee for the success of " Digital Olympics " .

  15. 为了举办&届历史上最出色的科技奥运,北京市提出了数字奥运的新概念。

    To hold a most excellent Olympic Games of science and technology , numeric Olympic Games , a new concept , was proposed .

  16. 成立“数字奥运”工作办公室,与奥组委技术部紧密配合,推进“数字奥运”各项工程建设。

    " Digital Olympics " Office will be established so as to work closely with the technology projects for " Digital Olympics " .

  17. 而对于数字奥运所赖以生存的体育信息环境的建设则成为现阶段体育建设中的重中之重。

    And the sports information environmental construction that " Digital Olympics " depend on for existence becomes the most important thing in sports construction of the present stage .

  18. “数字奥运”是“科技奥运”的时代特征,是“人文奥运”的弘扬手段,是“绿色奥运”的重要支撑。

    " Digital olympics " is the epoch feature of " high-tech olympics ", developing means of " people 's olympics " and important back-up of " green olympics " .

  19. 建立“数字奥运”领导机构和实施机构,构建能够确保“数字奥运”行动规划顺利实施的组织体系。

    Establish the leading and executive organs for " digital olympics ", and create an organizing system that will ensure smooth implementation of the action plan for " digital olympics " .

  20. 随着北京数字奥运的宣传,一个数字化、信息化城市建设广泛开展,信息亭&这个新生事物在城市中站了起来。

    With the promotion of " Digital Olympics " in Beijing , a digital , informational urban construction is expanded extensively . Information kiosks & this new thing arises in the city .

  21. 实现人文奥运,则包含着更为深刻的科技内涵。因此,有必要解读科技奥运的概念和内涵,了解科技与奥运的关系,展示北京“数字奥运”,并探讨科技奥运的实现方法和途径。

    It is necessary to understand the concept and connotation of the scientific Olympics , the relationship between science , technology and the Olympic Games and to display a " digital Olympics " .

  22. 为实现“数字奥运”的规划目标和任务,保障行动规划的落实和完成,必须建立健全有力的保障措施。

    In order to realize the objective and task of " digital olympics " programme , and ensure the implementation and completion of the action plan , sound and effective safeguard measures must be worked out .

  23. 由市政府主管市长挂帅,以市信息化工作办公室牵头,会同市相关部门成立数字奥运协调委员会和专家委员会;

    Headed by Beijing Municipal Office of national information infrastructure under the leadership of a mayor in charge of this sector from the municipal government , together with other municipal departments concerned , coordinating and specialist committees will be formed .

  24. 北京市地铁运营有限公司(BeijingMassTransitRailwayOperationCorp.Ltd)的这个亏损数字超过了奥运会主场馆鸟巢的建设成本。鸟巢已成为北京的一大标志性建筑,造价人民币31.3亿元。

    That loss for the Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corp. , Ltd is more than what it cost to build the Olympic Bird Nest stadium , now a major landmark in Beijing , which cost 3.13 billion yuan to build .

  25. 在网络时代下,人们不愿花时间等待黄金时段的录播节目,因此,NBC眼下正在筹划迄今为止其最大规模的数字及社交媒体奥运报道。

    In the internet age when people are not willing to wait for time-shifted primetime broadcasts , the broadcaster is planning its most expansive digital and social media coverage of the games to date .