
  • 网络hydrological monitoring;hydrology monitoring
  1. 这个是用MSCOMM控件编写的远程水文监测系统

    MSCOMM prepared by remote control hydrological monitoring system

  2. 介绍ADCP测量技术的优点,以及它在长江口深水航道治理工程水文监测方面所发挥的作用。

    The advantages of ADCP survey technique , the important role it played in hydrological monitoring of the Yangtze Estuary deepwater channel regulation project are introduced .

  3. GPRS在水文监测和报警系统中的应用

    Application of GPRS to hydrologic measurement and alert system

  4. 基于GPRS的远程自动水文监测网络

    Hydrology data remote monitoring system based on GPRS network

  5. 第六章对经过优化和整体规划后的珠江三角洲水文监测系统进行总体效益分析。

    The final chapter analyzes the overall benefit about the system .

  6. 第三章对珠江三角洲水文监测站网现状进行评估;

    Chapter three evaluates the current situation of the hydrology monitoring network ;

  7. 建设项目对水文监测影响评价体系初探

    Studies on impact assessment of construction project on hydrological monitoring

  8. 初探水文监测中雨量数据采集仪的使用

    Probe into the Use of the Rainfall Data Collector in the Hydrographic Monitoring

  9. 该系统在煤矿行业水文监测中具有良好的应用前景。

    There are good prospects for the hydrological monitoring applications in coal mining enterprises .

  10. 赣州水文监测系统存在的问题及对策

    The existing problems of the hydrologic monitoring system of Ganzhou City and the Countermeasures

  11. 分布式数据环境下煤矿水文监测智能预警系统研究与开发

    Based on Distributed Data Research and Development of Monitoring and Intelligent Warning System for Colliery Hydrology

  12. 基于光纤传输的矿井水文监测及其分析系统研究与开发

    Research and Development of Mine Shaft Hydrological Monitoring and Analytical System Based on Optical Fiber Transmission

  13. 水文监测在需要测量多个水文数据的同时,测试点的数量也在增加。

    The quantity of test points increased with the multiple hydrology data monitored in hydrology monitor system .

  14. 首先要提高气象水文监测预报和信息综合能力。

    The first step is to improve the synthetic ability to survey and forecast climate hydrology and information synthesizing .

  15. 市水文监测总站副站长孙映宏说,这其实是一种误区。

    Sun Yinghong , the vice station master of municipal hydrological monitoring station said , it 's a misunderstanding .

  16. 远端水文监测、通信网络和终端监控中心共同构成了该水文监测系统。

    The system mainly contains : computer monitoring controlling center , wireless Communications network and far-end hydrological monitoring terminal .

  17. 我国地域辽阔,绝大多数水文监测站分布在农村或边远地区。

    Our country region is vast , the vast majority of hydrological monitoring stations located in rural or remote areas .

  18. 水文监测是指水文传感器技术与采集、存储、传输、处理技术的集成。

    Hydrological monitoring refers to the integration of hydrological sensor technology and the memory , the transmission , the processing technology etc.

  19. 准确、及时、完整地收集、计算和提供水位资料是沿海港口水文监测单位的重要作业之一。

    Collecting , calculating and providing water level information correctly , timely , completely is an important task of hydrometry monitor units of coastal ports .

  20. 科学、合理的灌区水文监测网络和监测方法,是灌区内取得水文基本要素的基本保障。

    The scientific and rational monitoring networks and monitoring methods of the hydrology in irrigated areas are the basic insurance for obtaining the basic hydrological data of irrigation areas .

  21. 虽然现代电子技术、传感技术、通信技术和计算机技术已经迅速发展,在很大程度上促进了河道水文监测技术的自动化进程。

    With the rapid development of the modern electronic technology , sensor technology , communication and computer technology , the river - course hydrological monitoring technology has been promoted greatly .

  22. 论述了远程水文监测系统的方案设计、系统组成、硬件配置、软件设计、工作原理、功能以及技术性能。

    The paper has described conceptual design 、 system makes up , hardware disposition , software design , operation principle , function and technical feature about the long-distance hydrology monitoring system .

  23. 本文共分为六章,第一章阐述了珠江三角洲水文监测站网优化与系统整体规划研究的意义以及水文站网优化与系统整体规划的有关概念、原理;

    Chapter one explains the significance to Zhujiang River Delta about the network optimizing of hydrology monitoring and the research of systematic overall planning , and expounds the relevant concept and principle ;

  24. 研究基于光纤传输矿井水文监测及分析系统的结构,建立了该系统的总体结构,并对其数据库进行了分析与设计。

    Based on optical fiber transmission , the structure of hydrological monitoring and analytical system is researched . The author has established a general structure of the new system ; designed and analyzed its database .

  25. 实现江河水资源的科学利用和发展,需要对流域各类水文监测站点采集的数据进行深入的分析,以了解流域的内在规律和各种特征之间的内在联系。

    For realizing scientific utilization and development , we should analyze data collected by all kinds of hydrological monitoring sites in basin , in order to understand the inherent law of basin and the relationship of various characteristics .

  26. 长江水文监测的水文、水质、河道信息,水文气象预报、水文水资源分析评价成果是维护河流健康的基础支撑信息。

    In the Yangtze River Basin , the observed hydrologic data ,, water quality , river channels information , meteo-hydrological forecasts and water resources evaluating results are all the basic supporting information for sustaining a healthy river system .

  27. 该系统能够取代水文监测站原有的有纸记录方式,实现对水文数据的自动远程监控、存储和数据库存储分析功能。

    This system is also capable to realize the functions of automatic distant monitoring and storing of hydrologic data , as well as the function of database storage analysis after taking place of the former paper - based recording by hydrologic observatories .

  28. 第五章通过测验方式、测验方案、资料整编、数据传输方式、投资估算等实施方案,落实珠江三角洲水文监测系统的整体规划功能;

    Chapter five implements functions of the comprehensive planning to the hydrology monitoring system of Zhujiang River Delta , through the schemes such as test method , test scheme , materials reorganize , data transmission means , investment estimating and so on ;

  29. 展望未来,利用远程水文监测系统作为一种新型的测量工具将在水文测试方面有很大的发展空间,它将朝着高智能、高精度的方向发展,以满足日益发展的社会需求。

    With looking forward to the future , using remote hydrological monitoring system as a new tool will be of great development space in the aspect of hydrological test , and it will move towards high intelligence and precision to meet the growing social needs .

  30. 远程水文监测系统是水利工程界公认的尖端难题之一,其工作环境的复杂性、多样性,信息传输的非稳定性和艰巨性是其快速发展的巨大阻力。

    Due to the complexity and diversity of working situation and the instability and difficulty of information transmission that are the huge resistances in its development process , the remote hydrological monitoring system is generally regarded as one of the Cutting-edge problems in hydraulic engineering field .