
  • 网络data property;DATA;data attribute
  1. 在挖掘编辑器下面的Properties选项卡中,将测试数据属性Percentage设为20。

    On the Properties tab below the mining editor , set the Percentage of test data property to20 .

  2. 这样一来,传递给postMessage的这个对象就成为了传递给onmessage方法的那个对象的数据属性。

    The object passed in to postMessage becomes the data property on the object passed to the onmessage method .

  3. 第三,提出了一种新的Web信息抽取中数据属性的对齐方法。

    Thirdly , this paper presents an effective approach to align data attributes .

  4. 浅谈AutoCAD与Arc/info数据属性信息互转

    On Data Attribute Information Cross-Transformation of AutoCAD and Arc / info

  5. 通常,需要将微数据属性从fieldformatterview函数解析到主题函数中。

    Often , the microdata attributes need to be passed from the field_formatter_view function into the theme function .

  6. OGNL表达式用于将Java端数据属性绑定到基于文本的视图层中的字符串。

    OGNL expressions are used to bind Java-side data properties to strings in the text-based view layers .

  7. 结合Snort入侵检测系统插件机制,设计并实现了数据属性模糊化模块、模糊关联规则挖掘模块和异常检测模块。

    We design and implement a data collection module , data attribute fuzzy module , fuzzy association rule generation module and anomaly detection module .

  8. 通过BP神经网络的建模方法把客运量的空间属性、数据属性和时间属性有机地结合起来,将数据的建模含于网络的数值当中。

    The spatial attribute , data attribute and time attribute of the passenger traffic volume of railways are organically syncretized by the BP neural network modeling , and the data modeling is contained in the data of the network .

  9. 对于在HTML中放置微数据属性的位置,微数据有严格的要求,因此Drupal中的每种字段类型都需要定义在其格式器中放置属性的位置。

    Microdata has strict requirements about where to place the microdata attributes in the HTML , so each field type in Drupal needs to define where to place the attribute within its formatters .

  10. 该方法先用输入输出关联法对数据属性进行重要性排序,然后按重要次序用RBF神经网络进行属性选择。

    First , a method of data attribute importance ranking using input output correlation is presented in this paper . Then , attribute selection is carried out based on the rank of the attribute importance using RBF neural network .

  11. 每个SharedObject实例都有一个数据属性,可以看作存储数据的哈希表。

    Each SharedObject instance has a data property that can be thought of as a hashtable for storing data .

  12. 矢量地图数据属性精度的检查与控制

    The Check and Control of Attribute Accuracy of Vector Map Data

  13. 语义模型驱动的数据属性匹配技术研究

    Semantic Model Driven Approach for Data - attribute Matching

  14. 通过聚类,可以发现全局的分布模式以及数据属性之间有趣的相互关系。

    By clustering analysis , people can discover the global distributed model and interesting correlation of data attributes .

  15. 数据属性可以由方法引用,也可以由普通用户(客户)调用。

    Data attributes may be referenced by methods as well as by ordinary users (" clients ") of an object .

  16. 研究对象为样本点时,从整体上把握数据属性方面有所欠缺。

    Secondly , sample point is considered as study object , that grasping data characteristics at whole aspect is hard .

  17. 为了确保高效的查询,一定要为排序的数据属性添加索引。

    To ensure high performance queries , be sure to add an index to any attribute you sort your data using .

  18. 能够对描述业务度量的某一方面的一组相关数据属性进行分类。

    Provide a way to categorize a set of related data attributes that together describe one aspect of a business measurement .

  19. 目前,水科学中尺度研究主要集中于时空尺度,数据属性尺度的研究很少。

    At present , the researches of scale in hydrology are mainly on spatial scale and temporal scale while attribute scale is rarely researched .

  20. 建立本体元数据模型,通过语义映射,关联本体库中的属性与数据库中元数据属性映射关联。

    Build up the ontology metadata module , the attribute of ontology library is linked with the attribute of metadata in database through semantic mappings .

  21. 模型中给出了上下文属性、数据属性的形式化定义,同时提出了上下文判定、过滤规则及过滤策略的概念。

    Following the formal definitions of context and data property , the model provides the concepts of context decision , filtering rule and filtering strategy .

  22. 明确系统的业务管理功能,定义了软件总体的功能、系统的接口和数据属性;

    Define the systematic functions of management of business , has defined the total function of the software , interface of the system and data attribute ;

  23. 传统的集成系统并没有详细区分基于数据属性不同的系统异构问题,解决系统集成问题采用的是单节点网关。

    It is well known that the traditional integrating system ignores the system heterogeneous question base on deferent data property , single node gateway is used to realize system integration .

  24. 从而在保证数据属性值的完整性和一致性的前提下,降低了初始值选择的盲目性,缩短了聚类算法的时间和算法的复杂度,提高了算法的精度。

    Thereby under the condition guarantee integrality and consistency of data attribute values , get rid of blindness of selecting initial value and reduce clustering time and algorithm complexity , enhance speed of the algorithm .

  25. 从数据库结构的角度提出并比较了时空数据库的两种实现思路,肯定了在时态数据库中扩展空间数据属性实现时空数据库技术的优点及可行性。

    Two ways to implement the spatio-temporal database are introduced and compared from the architecture of the DBMS , and it discusses the merits and feasibility of the spatial extensions of the temporal DBMS . Several difficulties in implementing the spatio-temporal database system are enumerated .

  26. 然后,采用基于控制依赖子图的K-最近邻聚类算法对代码进行分析,选取可执行语句作为实体,利用数据属性和控制属性对实体进行归类,分离出便于提取、功能独立的代码片段。

    After that , k-nearest neighbor clustering algorithm based on control dependence graph is performed to analyze the code , which chooses the statements as entities . Then it uses data attributes and control attributes to classify the entities so as to form extractable or functional independent code fragments .

  27. GIS图形数据与属性数据连接的研究

    Study on the Connection of GIS Graphic Data with the Attribute Data

  28. GIS数据之属性不确定性的研究

    State of the Art of Research on the Attribute Uncertainty in GIS Data

  29. GIS以表示地理信息的数据库为核心,以同时描述空间数据和属性数据为最基本的特征。

    Taking geo-database as the core , GIS characterized by describing spatial and attribute data simultaneously .

  30. Oraclespatial推出后,空间数据和属性数据可实现一体化存储。

    After Oracle Spatial being introduced , the spatial data and attribute data can be stored together .