
  • 网络home system;family system
  1. 论家庭系统疗法及高校思想政治教育方法的创新

    On Family System Therapy and the Innovation in the Methods of College Ideological and Political Education

  2. 讨论了当前嵌入式技术和网络技术相结合在智能家庭系统中的应用情况;

    Discusses the current application situation of embeded and network technology unifies in the intelligent family system ;

  3. 家庭系统排列技术治疗抑郁症的个案研究

    Case study of family constellation therapy technology to deal depression

  4. 我还是想听一些在家庭系统排列中关于癌症的事。

    I still like to hear more about cancer in a family constellation .

  5. 三角模型在家庭系统中的应用

    Application of Family Systems in Triangle Models

  6. 家庭系统集团欢迎你的光临!

    Welcome to come Home System Group .

  7. 当我们通过家庭系统排列时,我们被呈现出来,我们是与更伟大的力量连接在一起的。

    When we work with family constellations , we are shown that we are connected to a greater force .

  8. 要关注留守环境、重视家庭系统、区分性别差异和关注个体心理韧性的动态性。

    To focus on staying environment , the importance of the family system , and the distinction between gender differences .

  9. 家庭系统集团拥有一批资深的工程技术人员和高素质的管理人员,装备了一批先进的生产加工设备。

    Home System Group has many senior technicians and engineers and highly competent managerial personnel , owned advanced plant and machinery .

  10. 分析了智能家庭系统的基本特点,所要实现的基本功能,应该满足的基本指标。

    Has analyzed the essential features of intelligent family system , the basic functions to realize , basic quotas should be satisfied .

  11. 这个案例以非常简单的方式告诉我们,在一个家庭系统中我们可以为这样的难题找到一个解决方案。

    This shows how , by very simple means , in a family constellation we can reach a solution for such a difficult problem .

  12. 这些项目包括从太阳能家庭系统、偏远乡村的小水电,到城市食物残渣和粪便沼气工厂。

    Projects ranged from solar-powered home systems and mini-hydropower plants for remote villages , to food waste and dung biogas plants for urban areas .

  13. 最后,本研究发现冲突之所以会重覆发生并形成越演越烈的循环现象,与冲突双方僵化的互动模式及家庭系统运作有关。

    In summary , rigid conflict patterns during interactions between parents and children may be the major reason for which conflicts can not be resolved .

  14. 利用正确的爱的语言使新生家庭系统在有序的状态下良性发展,为父亲积极参与提供可操作的家庭对策。

    Proper use of the language of love to make new family system in orderly condition of benign development , for the father is actively involved in providing operable family countermeasures .

  15. 硬件平台为系统提供可靠的物理连接,操作系统是软件运行的核心,而可扩展的中间层则是数字家庭系统关键所在。

    Hardware platform provides reliable physical connection for the system ; the operating system is the core of the software ; scalable middle layer is the key to digital home systems .

  16. 祖父母作为家庭系统中的成员,与父母、兄妹、同伴一样,在儿童认知与社会性发展过程中起着重要的作用。

    The importance of grandparents in the cognitive and social development of children is just beginning to be recognized in the same light as the importance of parents , siblings , and peers .

  17. 在社会工作系统视域下,开展针对这一群体的社会工作,社会工作者为老年人提供个人系统、家庭系统和社会支持网络系统等的改善和重构。

    In the sight of the social work system , social workers carry out the improvement and reconstruction of personal systems , home systems , and social support network system for this group .

  18. 在现实条件下,实现城市弱势青少年群体的增权途径,主要通过家庭系统、同辈互动、社区参与和舆论媒体等,从而使其提升能力,获得资源。

    Taking current condition into consideration , we can empower the vulnerable youth groups with the help of family , youth interaction , community participation and the media so as to improve their ability and provide them with more resources .

  19. [结论]医务人员应将运动疗法作为常规内容对病人进行健康教育,呼吁大众媒体加强运动疗法的宣传,提高家庭系统对病人的支持。

    [ JP ] Conclusion : Medical staff should conduct health education for patients about exercise therapy as conventional contents . They should call on public media for strengthening propaganda of exercise therapy , and promote the support of family system for patients .

  20. 据此设计了基于无线传感器网络的智能家庭系统整体解决方案,包括系统的组成、总体结构、模块选型、软硬件体系结构以及网络体系结构与协议等。

    Finally the opinion of the application of sensor networks to smart home is formed and an overall solution of smart home system based on wireless sensor networks is given , Include system 's structure 、 module choice 、 software / hardware 's architecture and network protocol .

  21. 因此,当你发现大量关于流行的家庭安保系统存在潜在漏洞的强烈意见时,不要惊讶。

    So it isn 't surprising that you 'll find plenty of strong opinions about the potential vulnerabilities of popular home-security systems .

  22. 基于嵌入式Linux的智能家庭监控系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Home Monitoring System Based on Embedded Linux

  23. 基于OPC技术的通用家庭报警系统模型的研究

    The Research of Family Alert System Model by the OPC Technology

  24. 基于VB的智能小区家庭监控系统的通信与数据管理

    Communication and database management of supervisory control system for smart houses in intelligent residence based on VB

  25. 介绍了基于XML/RDF语义Web描述的问题,并将其用于个性化家庭服务系统。

    The problem of semantic Web characterization was introduced on the basis of XML / RDF , and some concepts of it were adopted to personify the home service system .

  26. 一个是AppleTV机顶盒,价格229美元,放在我的客厅里,通过一个标准的家庭影院系统播放数字音频和视频。

    One is an Apple TV , a $ 229 set-top box in my living room that plays digital audio and video through a standard home-theater system .

  27. 介绍了嵌入式Internet技术,分析了该技术的工作原理及组成,并详细描述了该技术在智能家庭局域网系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces briefly embedded Internet technology and analyses mainly principle and components . At the same time , the paper describes application of intelligent residential LAN based on embedded Internet .

  28. 它主要竞争对手ADT正在向客户提供家庭能源系统。

    Its archrival ADT is starting to offer home energy systems .

  29. 好:声音棒家庭影院系统,没有AV接收器所需的,没有足够的低音炮低音输出;

    The good : Sound bar home theater system ; no AV receiver required ; adequate bass output without subwoofer ;

  30. [结果]影响轻中度高血压病人运动疗法的因素为医务人员、文化程度、大众媒体、家庭支持系统、体重(P均<0.05)。

    Results : Factors influencing mild to moderate hypertension patients carrying out exercise therapy were including medical staff , education [ JP2 ] level , public media , family support system and body weight ( all P < 0.05 ) .