
  • 网络family car;family saloon;Family sedan
  1. 她开着自己的家庭轿车载着几个朋友出去兜了一圈。

    She took some friends for a ride in the family car

  2. 政府部门应该对系统实施有利于系统有序演化的扰动,控制家庭轿车的消费速度。

    Government bodies should control the consuming speed of family car .

  3. 大众销售及市场总监阿明•凯勒(ArminKeller)表示,到明年年底,这一数字将达到140万。难怪大型汽车制造商现在发现它们曾经无处不在的小型家庭轿车正在成为濒危物种。

    By next year , says Armin Keller , VW 's sales and marketing director , the figure will reach 1.4m . No wonder the big carmakers are finding their once-ubiquitous small family saloons are becoming an endangered species .

  4. 中国的家庭轿车时代正在降临。

    The age of family owned cars is coming in China .

  5. 这家公司准备今年推出一种新型的家庭轿车。

    The company is introducing a new family saloon this year .

  6. 家庭轿车需求量预测的分布参数系统方法

    A Distributed Parameter System Approach to the Forecasting of Household Demand for Cars

  7. 家庭轿车消费系统是一个开放的自组织系统,它具有开放性、耗散性、目的性和协同性的特点。

    The consuming system of family car is an open automatic organization system .

  8. 国产家庭轿车选型优化

    Optimization of Selecting Family Sedans Made in China

  9. 保时捷提出了舒适的家庭轿车也能执行,以期望。

    Porsche has made a comfortable family luxury car that can also perform to Porsche expectations .

  10. 要是你想找价格便宜的家庭轿车,这种装备良好的轿车值得好好考虑。

    If you 're looking for an inexpensive family car , this well-equipped sedan deserves serious consideration .

  11. 难怪大型汽车制造商现在发现它们曾经无处不在的小型家庭轿车正在成为“濒危物种”。

    No wonder the big carmakers are finding their once-ubiquitous small family saloons are becoming an endangered species .

  12. 玛丽:真不错,但我想买大一点的家庭轿车。

    Mary : It 's very nice , but I want something a little bigger for my family .

  13. 最后结合一个具体的实例,详细剖析了运用质量功能展开矩阵来确定家庭轿车开发项目质量要求的步骤和方法。

    As an example , the detailed process and method of functional and technical requirements conversion to a family car is discussed in this paper .

  14. 这些措施应该被采纳,代用燃料的车辆可能很快成为司空见惯的家庭轿车比其他任何你可以找到在街道上。

    Should these measures be adopted , alternative fuel vehicles may soon become as commonplace as any other family sedan you can find on the streets .

  15. 中国家庭轿车的普及不会像普及彩电、冰箱那样简单,它受到很多客观条件的制约。

    The widely use of family cars in China will not be like that of color TV and refrigerators because it is restricted by the following factors .

  16. 丰田集团副总裁鲍勃•卡特于上周二在好莱坞举行的新车推介会上称,丰田汽车始终代表着家庭轿车领域的“最佳性价比”。

    Bob Carter , Toyota 's group vice president , said Tuesday at the new-model introduction in Hollywood that it has always represented " the best value " in the segment .

  17. 由于出租车同家庭轿车一样,虽然方便灵活,但不宜大力发展,只能作为主要公交工具的补充;

    Because taxi is same with the family passenger vehicle , although facilitates nimbly , but not suitable develops vigorously , only can take the supplement for the main public transportation tool ;

  18. 尤其是在这个定位时代,对中国家庭轿车行业而言,必须对市场进行定位分析,才能生产出更好的产品!

    How can the car makers survive in the market and develop themselves with a steady step ? In the positioning era , this requires the accurate market positioning for Chinese family cars !

  19. 此外,在现阶段的中国汽车市场中,份额最高、发展速度最快并且最具增长潜力的子市场是中国家庭轿车市场。

    Besides , of all submarkets of Chinese automobile market , Chinese household car market was the largest one at present , and it expanded fastest and it would keep the fastest expanding speed .

  20. 面对家庭轿车如此广阔的发展前景以及来至国际汽车市场的压力,提高我国轿车设计水平和自主开发能力已成为当务之急。

    Facing the family car such development foreground of the amplitude and the pressure of the international automobile market , raising our country car design level and the ability of independences to develop have become the urgent matter of the moment .

  21. 以世界发达国家工业经济及汽车工业、家庭轿车发展历史、现状为参照,结合当代新技术革命的特点,探讨了新技术革命对中国轿车工业发展的影响。

    Considering the characters of the contemporary new technology revolution , the influence of the new technology revolution on Chinese passenger car industry is approached by referencing to the history and present situation of the industrial economy and automobile industry in developed countries .

  22. 随着家庭轿车的普及,非专业驾驶员的不断涌现,自动变速器为他们的便利驾驶及安全驾驶提供了保障,因而,对自动变速器的研究也显得越来越重要。

    Along with the popularization of family car , non-professional driver 's constantly emerges in large numbers , and the automatic transmission is providing the guarantee for their convenient driving and safety , thus research on the automatic transmission also becomes more and more important .

  23. 如今,对于普通家庭来说,拥有轿车已不再是梦想。

    Meanwhile , possessing a car is no longer a dream for common families .

  24. 接着分析和预测了我国城镇和上海市居民家庭年均收入变化情况,并根据国际通用的购买力系数R,对普通家庭购买经济型轿车能力及形成年份作了预测。

    The changes of average income a year of urban population in Shanghai and cities and towns are analyzed and forecast . According to the international universal purchasing power coefficient R.