
  • 网络Cooper Tire
  1. 印度阿波罗轮胎公司(ApolloTyres)试图收购总部位于美国、规模更大的固铂轮胎橡胶公司(CooperTire&Rubber),出价为25亿美元现金。

    Apollo Tyres attempted to buy the larger , US-based Cooper Tire & Rubber for $ 2.5bn in cash .

  2. 中国经常发生劳资纠纷,最近几个月影响了很多跨国企业的业务,包括IBM、俄亥俄州的固铂轮胎橡胶公司(CooperTire&Rubber)以及制鞋企业裕元工业(YueYuenIndustrial)。

    Industrial action erupts daily across China and over recent months has affected the operations of multinationals such as IBM , Cooper Tire and Rubber of Ohio and Yue Yuen Industrial , a shoe manufacturer .

  3. 总部位于美国俄亥俄州的固铂轮胎(CooperTire)报告称,中国的劳工行动导致其在截至去年9月30日的3个月期间损失2900万美元。这也让人罕见地一瞥中国劳资纠纷的经济影响。

    Chinese industrial action cost Cooper Tire $ 29m in the three months to September 30 , the Ohio-based company reported , shedding rare light on the economic impact of a labour dispute in China .

  4. 此次罢工是中国工人又一次以行动反对涉及自己雇主的、金额达数十亿美元的并购交易。此前,固铂轮胎(CooperTire)员工采取行动抗议阿波罗轮胎公司(ApolloTyres)的收购提议。

    Their strike action was the latest example of Chinese workers challenging multibillion-dollar deals involving their employers , following action by employees of Cooper Tire after a takeover proposal from by Apollo Tyres .